The Case for Secure Electronic Voting

Dan Crane
Horizon State
Published in
Jun 10, 2021
Source: Unsplashed

Elections are important to the future direction of organisations and communities. They decide how crucial resources are allocated, and which leaders are appointed. With something so important, and with all the concerns about administration costs, vote tampering and foreign interference, secure electronic voting has become a paramount concern for stakeholders looking for certainty.

Customers also demand convenience, and to save time doing things online. In a survey conducted by Australia Post, 77% of Australian voters wanted to be able to vote online by the 2019 general election. The security risks present in the current generation of online-voting systems, however, have so far prevented this being realised….




Dan Crane
Horizon State

Founder, futurist, and strategic thinker. Heading up Research & Innovation at Horizon State and owner of