Become a writer for hormonalstories

Lu Lopez
hormonal stories
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2023

hormonal stories is a publication born to give a voice to all menstruating folks and break the silence on period pain. Our mission is to start a conversation around period health, elevate unheard voices, as well as share personal experiences of pain, resilience and overcoming.

How to become a writer

In order to publish in hormonal stories, you first have to get added as a writer. In order to do that, please comment in this article with your Medium username.

Once you are added, you can publish the story in the publication, following the below process.

Please ensure all your stories have the tag “hormonalstories” to be published.

What to write about

Generally, the submitted article must meet Medium’s Distribution Standards. Find summarised below the most important points to consider.

What we accept, but are not limited to:

  1. Any personal story around menstrual health or periods, including any remedy that has helped you with less painful periods
  2. Knowledge sharing about products, companies, holistic solutions that have personally served you
  3. Interviews with folks around you to elevate and visibilise stories of period pain or overcoming of menstrual health struggles
  4. Anything else related to menstrual health that resonates with you!

What we do not accept

  1. Stories with health advice not written by medical professionals without a proper disclaimer
  2. Hate speech
  3. Articles written 100% by AI (Same as medium) — if you have received help to write it, please flag it in your piece



Lu Lopez
hormonal stories

Writing about personal development, career and women. I too have no idea what I am doing.