Women on the Road

J. Ngoriakl
Hornfels Collection
1 min readJun 22, 2015


I met a young girl once

She spoke of fairytales

She wore a dress of steel

Her face fresh and soft

She lived an enchanted world

I met an older girl once

She spoke of peace

Dressed in burlap

Her face stern as justice

She fought for an ideal world

I met a woman once

She spoke of nature

Dressed in black

Her face dry and worn

She grieved for the world

I met a woman once more

She spoke her truth

Dressed in nothing

Her face rough and creased

She knew the world

-By J. Ngoriakl



J. Ngoriakl
Hornfels Collection

I’m from Palau. I wonder and write about stuff. *Views are my own.*