Review: Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014)

Brian Schell
Horror Guys
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2024


Spoiler-Free Judgment Zone

Despite the definitive death of Sharktopus in the first movie, they find a way to make a sequel. This one is a step above the first one, with slightly better everything and clearly a bigger budget. The CGI is still blatantly CGI, looking cartoonish at times, but it gets the story told. What’s better than one giant genetically modified creature? Two of them! We found this entertaining.

Spoilery Synopsis

We get some flashbacks to the previous film’s best kills. As the Sharktopus’s head explodes, we see an egg sac float away from the body…

We cut to a fishing boat, where Lorena pulls up the egg sac. She cuts it open, and there’s a tiny Sharktopus inside.

Elsewhere, Dr. Rico Symes and his team have developed a flying monster called a Pteracuda, a cross between a barracuda and a pterodactyl. The government was afraid of it, so he paid for it and built it himself. As he brags about how much it’s going to be worth, the…



Brian Schell
Horror Guys

Brian Schell is the author of over twenty-five books, Author, Podcaster, Narrator, Editor, Horror Enthusiast (, and all-around fascinating guy.