The “Halloween Room”

Dani Banani
Horror Hounds
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2021


Please, come in and have a look around.

Author photo: part of our bedroom

I fell in love with a man who is passionate about horror. I came into our relationship with little knowledge of it but nothing against the genre. He slowly introduced me to various classics that I found myself growing fond of in a short period of time. Before I moved in with him and his two children (along with my two children), discussions were had regarding the decor of the rooms. My main requirement was that our bedroom is left untouched — his horror collection matters to him, and that matters to me.

There was a story my partner told me about one of his children asking him, “Is she going to let you keep your horror stuff?”

His child was quite used to home decor being the choice of the woman in a male/female relationship, but I reassured my partner that no changes were to be expected. Along with growing to love horror myself, I had no intentions of changing the children’s lives too drastically. It’s a big enough change to add three new people to the home.

Author photo: part of our bedroom

When we moved in, the first week took a lot of verbal adjustments. We had to remember to refer to the bedrooms as “the boys’ room” and “the girls’ room” but everybody felt…



Dani Banani
Horror Hounds

Top Writer in Fiction. I write erotica, fantasy fiction, poetry, and whatever else I feel like. Sex is my favorite subject and love is my greatest passion.