The Lonely Sabbatical: A Tale of Haunting Horror

Trapped in an Isolated Cabin with a Ghostly Tormentor

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Horror Hounds
3 min readMay 7, 2023


Pixabay photo

I jolted awake to the sound of slow, deliberate footsteps outside my bedroom door. It took me a moment to realize where I was. I was in a rental cabin in the woods, on a sabbatical from my job as a professor. But something was wrong. As the footsteps grew closer, I remembered that I was alone in the cabin. My family had decided not to join me on this trip, and I had come here to spend some time alone, to reflect on my life and my work. I had locked all the doors before going to bed, so who could it be? My heart started racing, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. As the doorknob slowly turned, I realized I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even scream for help.

The door creaked open, and I saw a figure standing in the doorway, backlit by the moonlight. I tried to make out any details, but I couldn’t. I felt like I was in a nightmare, and I couldn’t escape it. The figure started to walk towards me, and I could feel my heart pounding harder and harder with each step it took. It was a woman, dressed in a tattered white gown, with long black hair that cascaded down her back. Her face was twisted into a grotesque grin, revealing rows of sharp, jagged teeth. My first thought was to run, to get out of the cabin and find help. But I was frozen. The woman was now standing right next to me, her face only inches from mine. I could smell her rotting breath, feel the clammy touch of her hands. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that it was all a nightmare, that I would wake up any moment.

But when I opened my eyes, the woman was still there, her cold breath on my face. I felt her ghostly fingers brush my cheek, and I knew I was in deep trouble. I couldn’t protect myself. The woman continued to taunt me, whispering in my ear, telling me that I would never be free. I felt like I was going insane, trapped in this cabin with a ghost that would never leave me alone. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. I spent my days cowering in fear, watching the woman torment me. I tried to find a way out, but I couldn’t. The cabin was isolated, with no neighbors for miles. I was alone, and I was going to die alone. My family was everything to me. I regretted not bringing them with me. I couldn’t let this ghost haunt me forever. I decided to end it all, hoping to escape the horror that had consumed me. But even in death, the ghost followed me, haunting me for eternity. And so, I wander the earth as a tortured spirit, forever trapped in the horror of my own making, knowing that my family will never know what really happened to me.

