“The Reflection’s Curse”

Jordan Bradley
Horror Hounds
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023

In a small town nestled amidst towering mountains, a sinister secret lay hidden beneath the surface. It was said that a malevolent creature lurked in the shadows, preying upon unsuspecting victims who dared to venture out alone at night. But this was no ordinary monster. It possessed a dark twist that made it even more terrifying.

Legend had it that this creature, known as the Shadow Walker, had the ability to mimic the appearance of its victims with unsettling accuracy. It would observe them from afar, studying their habits, mannerisms, and deepest desires, until it could flawlessly imitate their every aspect. Once it had mastered the art of imitation, it would strike, dragging its unfortunate victim into the depths of darkness.

One fateful night, a young woman named Sarah found herself walking alone through the town’s deserted streets. Oblivious to the impending danger, she became an unwitting target for the Shadow Walker. Unbeknownst to her, it observed her every move, absorbing her essence, and preparing to enact its twisted plan.

Days turned into weeks, and Sarah’s friends and family began to notice peculiar changes in her behavior. Her once vibrant personality had become subdued, her laughter replaced by an eerie calmness. Something was off, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on it.

Sarah’s reflection in the mirror revealed the shocking truth. Her eyes, once filled with warmth, now glimmered with a hollow darkness. Her movements were uncanny, lacking the natural grace she once possessed. The people around her felt a sense of unease whenever they locked eyes with her, as if they were peering into the void itself.

As Sarah’s loved ones grew increasingly suspicious, they confronted her, hoping to unveil the truth behind her unsettling transformation. But the Shadow Walker had completed its wicked imitation, leaving Sarah a mere shell of her former self. It reveled in the chaos it had sown, relishing the torment inflicted upon those who loved her.

The town became engulfed in fear, for the Shadow Walker had unleashed its twisted abilities upon the unsuspecting populace. Friendships crumbled, families tore apart, as doubt and suspicion poisoned their once harmonious lives. No one could trust what they saw anymore, for the monster’s deception ran deep.

One by one, the imposter claimed its victims, each consumed by the darkness that had taken hold. The town became a breeding ground for paranoia and despair, a place where no one dared to venture out alone. The Shadow Walker reveled in the chaos, basking in the twisted satisfaction of tearing lives apart.

But within the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. A group of brave individuals, determined to uncover the truth, delved deep into the heart of the town’s dark secret. They sought answers, delving into ancient texts and consulting with enigmatic figures who held knowledge of the Shadow Walker’s true nature.

Armed with this newfound understanding, the group devised a daring plan. They would confront the imposter, face the darkness head-on, and break the curse that held their town captive. Each member would offer a sacrifice, willingly giving up a piece of themselves to weaken the Shadow Walker’s hold.

In a climactic showdown, the group confronted Sarah, the embodiment of the creature’s deception. As they chanted ancient incantations and fought against the imposter’s supernatural powers, Sarah’s true essence emerged, a flicker of light in the midst of darkness.

With one final sacrifice, the curse was shattered, and the Shadow Walker’s reign of terror came to an end. But the scars remained, etched into the hearts and minds of the town’s inhabitants. They had learned a harsh lesson about the twisted nature of evil, a reminder that monsters can wear the faces of those we love.



Jordan Bradley
Horror Hounds

Writer. Bartender. Lover of Film. Austin, TX. 2 dogs and a wonderful boyfriend.