The Wolf You Feed

Aswang Mike
Horror Hounds
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2024


You should believe those who cry wolf…

AI-Generated Image — Aswang Mike: The Wolf You Feed

The night was darker than sin. The wheels on the cement roadway hummed in the night, much like a madman’s lullaby.

The moon was hanging in the sky, but its rays did not comfort anyone on the bus.

Gentle snoring was heard throughout the aisle. The children had a busy day at camp, but it was time to travel home.

The countryside whirled past the windows; nothing could be seen except for one lone shadow. No one else had seen it moving except for John, who had seen the dark shape the night before they left camp. He begged the teachers to believe him, but his plea fell on deaf ears…

It was moving unnaturally fast. It somehow managed to keep up with the bus for the last two hours. Its long, lean muscles flexed each time its legs hit the ground. John thought it looked like something crossed between a wolf and a tiger, but he could not explain what it was… It was always in the shadows.

They only had to make it 20 more miles, then they would be safe… Or would they John thought to himself.

“Thud, thud, thud…” John could almost hear its legs smashing into the ground as it ran.

He could see it in the fields… Running…

