Horror Movie Review: Sinister

Dahlia DeWinters
Horror Movie Reviews
3 min readApr 4, 2019


Title: Sinister

Date: 2012

Starring: Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, Fred Thompson

Director: Scott Derrickson

Sinister is a supernatural horror film in which a crime writer, Ellison Oswald (Ethan Hawke), moves his family to a new house in order to work on a new book. (What a great name, by the way, right?) His last real hit was ten years ago and since then, his books haven’t done well. This is his last ditch effort to make money on a family’s murder and disappearance of the daughter. However, he does not tell his family that they’ve moved into the house where the actual murders took place. And when he finds a box of film reels and projected in the attic, he begins watching them, unwittingly giving strength to a supernatural force than intends on possessing his family.

Sinister is not a movie we haven’t seen before, but the execution and the cinematography is top notch. Ethan Hawke hits perfect notes as the jaded writer, desperate at writing another book which will be as successful as his last one. In his words, he doesn’t want to become a “textbook writer” even though that will pay the bills. He’s an artist, after all, right?



Dahlia DeWinters
Horror Movie Reviews

Author, teacher, mom, all around know it all :). Writer of zombie novels, romance stories and anything in between.