Formation of Horror Stories

Tianna Warfield
Horror Stories and Urban Legends
1 min readDec 12, 2018

To write a good horror story you should be experienced with the genre, meaning you should read a lot of books from the genre and watch a lot of horror movies. After you have read up on it you should start exploring what makes you scared and try to see if you can spook yourself. Next you should select your target audience so then you can determine which type of horror story you would like to write. Then you should focus on what makes others scared and see if you can relate to others. Then you should practice trying to set mood because that is an essential. After this you should focus on practicing plot twist or shock scenes because obviously that is one of the main reason people love reading horror. Following this you should try to add some tragedy to the mix and practice playing with the readers emotions. And finally you should really immerse into your story and imagine yourself as a bystander in the scene or even a main character and see how scared you can make yourself in that moment.

