(2)The Dead Body Under Your Mattress (Urban Legend)

Tianna Warfield
Horror Stories and Urban Legends
1 min readDec 12, 2018

This urban legend is not too popular but I have decided to share it because it happened in a familiar location. The legend starts with a couple checking into a hotel and immediately they notice a horrid stench but they try to ignore it. When they can no longer stand the smell they go complain to the workers of the hotel and when the come upstairs the find a dead, rotting body stuffed into the boxspring of the bed. Now this story seems extremely far fetched but it actually happens a lot. It has occurred most in Las Vegas, Kansas City, MO and Atlantic City, NJ. And the more you think about it the less crazy it seems because the closet and under a bed is the most popular place to hide objects. The most common reasons for dead bodies to be found under beds is because of prostitution murders and romantic visits gone wrong and these usually aren’t planned.

