The role of horror in my life (Narrative)

Tianna Warfield
Horror Stories and Urban Legends
2 min readDec 5, 2018

From a young age I was introduced into the horror genre. My mom would watch this show but I do not remember the show. But I remember that it was scare me very badly but I still insisted on watching it with her. One of the biggest reasons I hated the show is because the girl would cry blood and of course now that I think about it, it wasn’t that scary but i was like 3 or 4 at the time so of course that rattled me. So one day we were in the kitchen eating noodles and she came in wearing a white dress with her hair in her face. When she moved her hair i saw that she had blood coming from her eyes and I started crying hysterically along with my two other sisters and tried to run. After she saw us she reassured us that it was just her and she wiped off the blood, which was probably just eyeliner, and hugged us and thats the earliest memory I remember of being scared. After the event I was mad at my mom, but over time I thought it was funny. Over time my sisters and I just began watching more and more horror films and although I was still scared I still insisted on watching them with them for a reason I still do not know. And when I got older and was starting to have to go to the library more and more for different classes I began talking to my librarian more and more about different genre’s that I was interested in. Now I usually read realistic fiction, mysteries, comic books, and kiddy horror, but in middle school my librarian introduced my to an author named Mary Downing Hahn and I was really interested in her works. By reading her books I got way more excited to read so then I could figure out the plot more and more and I was actually motivated more to read. After that I have just always been interested in the topic, whether it be with books, videos, or movies.

