Why you should read Horror Stories (Persuasive)

Tianna Warfield
Horror Stories and Urban Legends
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Many people tend to be against horror with some being to scared to even give it a chance and others calling it predictable and boring, but all I have to say to that is yeah some horror movies and stories can be predictable but they are always entertaining. Horror stories have never failed to provide me with enjoyment and the should never fail you either if you keep these elements in mind.

To begin Horror gives you an adrenaline rush like no other. For instance you could go skydiving but there is always a chance that something bad could happen; your parachute might not open, it could be damaged, or you can get blown off track by the wind, but you might just decide to go to face your fears. But if you go read a horror book or watch a horror movie you can get an adrenaline rush without even putting yourself in danger or facing any fears. And after this adrenaline rush you feel a sense of accomplishment by seeing the resolution to the movie/book and knowing that you can handle it. You also feel really great after an adrenaline rush because a chemical called dopamine is release. Dopamine is a good chemical to have everyone once and awhile. It helps relieve stress and it makes you feel exhilarated after a thrilling event happens. Although after awhile the chemicals will not be released anymore because you will not be as scared or stressed while seeing horror movies/reading horror books, the overall experience will still be very entertaining.

Also Horror is just a very informative genre. You can get so much knowledge o what not to do in a scary/life threatening situation without having to experience it. For example you know when you are running away from a killer to watch the ground to make sure you don’t fall and if you do fall to immediately get back up. Of course many have not had to run away from a psychotic killer, but it still good information. Many find it amazing that you are able to basically transport into a story and experience a thrilling adventure within the safety of your own home and I am among them. If you read a horror story there is no doubt that you will be prepared if anything bad were to happen near you.

In spite of the fact that many will try to counter this information, reading one book will not hurt. Because ultimately the decision is yours on whether you enjoy the genre or not. Just remember to keep these elements that contribute to the story in mind while you are reading/watching your next horror story.

