Restaurant Owners - Creativity is Your Biggest Asset in 2021!

Jen Bernard
Hospitality Hook-up
6 min readJan 18, 2021

Last year we got creative to stay alive. This year we need to stay creative to thrive!

Whether you’re just starting or a vet in the game, here are 7 creative marketing ideas to help you stay on top.

Loyalty Programs

If you’re old school like me, you’re thinking Loyalty Program? With like, punch cards? Is that even a thing? But times have changed and loyalty programs have gotten way cooler and more exciting as technology has made it easier than trying to keep a business card in your wallet. The need for restaurants to stay connected with their audience hit an all-time high during covid. And now that people can go back out, you must maintain that connection as more restaurants come onto the playing field as competition.

A loyalty program is a great way to keep people coming back to you with promises of discounts or a free meal or merchandise. But don’t think of it as them getting something for nothing. Loyalty programs help give you vital insight into your audience. They help you collect customer data so you can better target your messaging and connect with your ideal demographic. It will also help you stay connected via email as email marketing is getting a bigger push than before in all industries (I’ll get into that next!).

If you are not ready to partner up with a 3rd party app for your loyalty program, you can definitely go old school with punch/sticker cards (Subway Sub Club, anyone?), or use a QR code on your menu to connect to your website with an email sign up. Either way, it is the way to go right now!

Email Marketing

I know it seems like you have a lot on your plate, however, your email marketing doesn’t have to be a lot. In fact, it is probably better you don’t bombard your audience with weekly emails that fill their inbox. But with a monthly email newsletter, you can offer your clients so much more than what you are capable of in-house or on social media alone.

You can keep them updated on new menu items, upcoming events, celebrate your wins, introduce them to your new chef, or bartender and offer more deals exclusive to those on your email list. They will feel special and the connection to your business will grow.

It is also a great way to stay in communication with your clients. We’re not out of the woods with this Covid thing and I’m sure you are continuing to make your restaurant safe for diners. Email is a great way to update your guests on the measures you are taking to keep them safe.

Expand Your Brand

Think about all the ways you made your brand accessible last year in order to stay afloat. Just because you are able to open your doors doesn’t mean you should give up on some of the tactics you used to reach your audience. Continue to offer to-go cocktails and branded drink kits (if the law still permits). Reach out to your local grocers to get frozen meals in their freezer section or better yet, sell meal kits that your guests can take home to prepare themselves.

Partner up and cross-promote with other brands to get more exposure. Think about what surrounding businesses could also benefit from teaming up; perhaps a local hotel or tour company can offer exclusive discounts to their guests and in turn, your guests receive discounts on their rooms and tours.

Another idea is to open your kitchen to guest chefs and have a special tasting menu for their creations. If they have a large social media precedence, even better as they can get the word out to their fans and promote you to a new audience.

Get creative on social media

Everyone is on social media, and if you’re not, you’re missing out. But being present on social media isn’t enough these days. You have to be active and you have to stand out. Up the production value of your Instagram by getting professional photos. You want to create click-worthy, scroll-stopping images that have people saying “I want that!”.

Better yet, hold a photo contest and have your guests do the work for you. They can submit photos taken at your establishment or eating your take-out at home and then you choose the best photo as your monthly winner. Not only does this type of contest increase engagement with your audience, but now you have a ton of photos to use in your marketing efforts. Be sure to tag them so they can share with their audience as well and expand your reach.

Great at making videos? Start a YouTube channel where your chef can teach your audience how to make your signature dish or your bartender your signature drink. If they bought your meal kit, even better as they can watch and cook along at home.

Take it to the Streets

Ever think about starting a food truck? A food truck is a great way to make yourself more accessible. Surely someone that worked in the office next door that ate lunch with you every day is missing you now that they work from home. Set up shop in different neighborhoods and post to your social media where you’ll be that day. Your email list can get exclusive access to your schedule for the month. This will have people checking back in anticipating where you’ll be and planning how they can get to you. Not only that, you will now have the ability to participate in local food truck events that will have more people knocking down your door.

Write a Cookbook

The financial struggles and health and safety issues that seemed to overwhelm 2020 still have lasting effects. More people are staying home because they can’t afford to go out or because of safety concerns. The more they stay in, the more they will begin to miss the food they once loved and will want to try to recreate these dishes at home. This is where you come in! Write a cookbook and make it easy for them to get the food they’re missing without compromise. Give them a good mix of what they love from your menu, some new recipes as well as some that you may have used in the past as specials. Don’t be afraid to throw in a couple of signature dishes and maybe even your secret sauce. You know it will never be as good as yours, but at least you can scratch their itch!

Push your Purpose

Covid gave way to a new sense of community and humanity. As everyone was suffering, we were all looking for ways to give back and contribute. This mindset shouldn’t stop just because we’re rebounding. People are still looking for ways to pay it forward. Start a meal donation where someone can buy an extra meal to help someone in need. Then set up a time and place to hand out these dishes. Post this effort everywhere so people know that you are there to help others and they can come to you. You will attract an audience that has a desire to contribute as well as provide comfort and connection to your community. Don’t let the giving stop, there is always going to be someone to help.

These are just a few ways you can continue to thrive in 2021! If you have any questions on how to implement these into your marketing plan, please feel free to contact me:


Jen Bee🐝



Jen Bernard
Hospitality Hook-up

Your coach for everything from marketing to mindset!