Alone Time

John Akindulureni
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2018
Photo by Robin Pierre on Unsplash

How long do you think you can go in a day without distractions? The notifications, unscheduled pings, phone calls etc. Not long I guess. We live in a fast-paced world that’s plagued with distractions of all sorts. There’s always some trending topic to entice you and gain your attention. You are subtly encouraged to join in and chided if you decide to withdraw from the drama. In fact, society usually equates anyone who seeks solitude or alone time as sad, lonely or anti-social, but is that really so?

Taking time away is extremely beneficial and healthy. Here’s how;

· Your brain gets a reboot and your mind is refreshed. You get the opportunity to clear your mind, think clearly, focus and connect your mind to your body

· Your ability to concentrate increases because the distractions are gone

· You find your own voice. Popular opinion and society’s expectations fade away and the real YOU shows up

· You are able to think deeply and work through problems much better

These won’t happen spontaneously, probably because the mind is already accustomed to the distractions, so it will be hard at first.

But you can take those bold steps now;

· Disconnect from it all, even if for a few minutes everyday

· Get up before others or get in early before them

· Shut your door

· Use your breaks

· Schedule your personal time

The productivity that results from giving yourself those moments to meditate and be alone by yourself is immense. Try It!

“White double door in an empty room painted white” by Philipp Berndt on Unsplash

