Shared SSL

Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017

Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is a standard technology used for establishing an encrypted connection between the host(web server) and client(web browser).

If you have an e-shop or sell items via your website, SSL helps in establishing trust with your customers by providing them a secure connection. Where on one hand, Private SSL helps the user provide its private, safe SSL for high security reasons, Shared SSL on the other hand provides a Socket layer that is shared by other clients too.

  • Description
    The shared SSL is installed on the server in such a way that all clients can access it globally. Its certificate is self signed and configured to work with server’s name.

On one hand where Private SSL makes use of user’s domain name and does not allows popping up of any warning messages, shared SSL on the other hand uses website’ domain and causes certificate warning messages to pop up on your site.

In the shared hosting the server host name is used congruously with the control panel(cPanel) username so that a safe and secure connection is established.

The shared SSL looks very much similar to the temporary URL with small amendments like the server name in Shared SSL changes to Secure and http to https.


Shared SSL uses the server’s name in the URL. They are not often used but for those who want a free option, are available. You may use SSL’s created by third parties on the servers.

It is strongly advised against using a free SSL for anything other than email as they offer no warranty.

  • How is Shared SSL implemented?

SSL certificates require a hostname to work while accessing your website when you generally access a non SSL connection, the shared SSL helps you to travel your data over some other part in an encrypted manner.

Any connection over the specific hostname will allow the data to be encrypted. In the Shared SSL, the username at the end of the server hostname can be changed to the specific cPanel username for that account.

When the url is accessed with your Panel username attached at the end, server knows to find your website by username. Encrypting and transmitting private and sensitive data between your website and your visitor’s website is what can be done easily by shared SSL.

It is also ideal for restricting access to parts of your site, such as file or document directories that can be made available for download.

There is no way to make it mandatory for users to connect via SSL, but this can be done on VPS, and Dedicated servers. As a work around, if you only provide the SSL version of the settings to them, it is the only way they will know how to connect.

  • Benefits

With Shared SSL, you get the benefits of SSL, without the costs that are usually associated with setting up SSL server with Shared SSL you use your web hosting company’s SSL certificate. With Shared SSL, you usually get a secure URL like https//

It’s not usually a professional method to use a shared SSL for conducting online transactions. It is mostly useful if you wanted to use SSL when connecting with a mail client. You would just need to use server name as the incoming and outgoing server.

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