SSL Certificate: Everything You Should Know

Hosting Recipe
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2016

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. It performs the basic job of protecting the information traveling on the internet. It helps the web browser and the web server to communicate in an encrypted manner. Http(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the language in which an information is transferred from one location to another. SSL helps protection of HTTP so that it no longer remains susceptible to unwanted users and is secured.

With the entire world getting glued towards online services and spending time on social media or carrying out business transactions , security becomes essential. No stranger must hinder anyone’s personal work.

All across the globe millions of businessman, officers and several other individuals protect their private information from getting hampered using SSL technology. In the essence, SSL allows for a private “conversation” just between two intended parties.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP), when protected by SSL inherits an ‘S’ (secure) and is then known as HTTPS.

For Example, in a restaurant, station or say a coffee shop, people desperately clung onto an open wifi. Without SSL and HTTPS anyone(unknown) can interfere with anyone’s private business and might hamper their work because they are on a public wifi connection.

HTTPS and SSL over here work by scrambling the information of the user so that only people who can read their information are the ones having the correct decryption key and not those dubious cyber hackers.

SSL secures work by Identification

Other than encoding the messages of the user another way by which SSL and HTTPS keeps the information (eg credit card numbers, passwords, usernames, emails etc) private is with the help of Identification.

Several times while surfing the internet we encounter sites which try different ways to get into our personal stuff. For instance, while on an internet site, we get an email which asks us to go to our Gmail account. While incessantly working on the internet, we in a haste open our accounts via that invite and realise that it was fake.

SSL asks for a certificate of validation to identify whether a site really is what it says it is. The certificate authority (CA) checks on the certificate provided by the site and ticks it right if it is valid. If the certificate appears fake, expired etc, the user gets a warning message so as to not to open that particular site. That’s how HTTPS and SSL provide a caution against the unauthorised sites and protects various users across the globe.

SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate contains basic information like your domain name, address, city, state, country and your company’s name. Besides this it might also contain some additional information like certificate expiration date and details of the certification authority responsible for the issuance of the certificate.


To create a secure website, we purchase an SSL certificate. This certificate indicates website’s online identity and creates a unique scrambled connection. This offers online shoppers with a safe secure connection. If customers feel safe, they will be more comfortable to do business with the website. Consequently cyber hackers can also be avoided.

A lot of internet scams have started taking place over the decade. Therefore having knowledge of SSL and owning a certificate while working online is a must.

