What are the differences in VPS hosting and Dedicated hosting? Blog Post by HostingRecipe

Hosting Recipe
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2017

When planning to make a website there is a tricky question that comes to mind. What type of hosting should I choose? Well, it all depends on your purpose of using it and on your budget.

If you do not know what hosting is, well it allows organizations and business to make their website reachable via the World Wide Web.

Today we will see the differences between VPS hosting and Dedicated hosting.


VPS hosting

VPS is an acronym for Virtual Private Server. VPS uses technology to split that effective server we simply discussed into multiple virtual servers. Consider it this way: it is a hardware that functions like a number of different servers. The word private means exactly what it implies. A virtual server is allocated for your website so you don’t need to share RAM, CPU and other resources with other websites. It is also known as cloud hosting, cloud computing, and is like a bridge between shared hosting.

For example, think of a cake, there is one cake but several pieces and one piece is the VPS.

VPS hosting is cost effective and scalable because you only pay for the resources you use. Compared to Dedicated hosting, it is cheaper. This type of hosting is enough for sites that are simpler and do not require massive traffic. Mostly used by people who have started a new business.

Know more about VPS Hosting at — VPS Hosting by HostingRecipe

What makes Dedicated hosting different?

Whereas, dedicated hosting is when the server is dedicated to a single organization or for your own personal use. This is in contrast to shared hosting which hosts with multiple organizations. Dedicated hosting allows having full control over the server, its hardware, operating systems and miscellaneous configurations. Besides providing a specific amount of memory, hard disk space and bandwidth, it also includes a number of domains, name systems, emails and File Transfer Protocol capabilities. You basically have access to all resources available on the server.

Considering the previous example, the whole cake is Dedicated hosting.

Dedicated hosting is expensive than VPS hosting because you get a server which is dedicated to you. This type of hosting is for sites receiving over 500,000 visitors per month and need more bandwidth and resources. Mainly used by massive corporations or entrepreneurs.

The benefits that Dedicated hosting provides may not be available for VPS.

Performance wise Dedicated hosting has higher speed than VPS. The security of VPS is moderate compared to Dedicated hosting which provides high security because you are the only one using the server. With VPS, no doubt, you have more resources, freedom, flexibility, but you are still sharing the machine. Whereas with Dedicated hosting the machine is yours!

There is no right or wrong when it comes to deciding what hosting you should choose. It all depends on what suits the best for your website. However, since dedicated servers are expensive compared to VPS it is mostly a good idea to start with VPS. Also, make sure that you select a hosting provider that not only serves your needs today but also in the future.

For Dedicated Hosting, Visit here — Dedicated Hosting services by HostingRecipe

