When to switch from VPS hosting to Dedicated hosting

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3 min readSep 22, 2017

There is no doubt that VPS hosting is cost-effective than dedicated hosting, but when you consider physical servers it is not just about cost and scalability but one should also consider professional support, crashes, resources scalability, etc.

When your business is growing, don’t you think your hosting plan should grow with you too? And is it time to switch to a dedicated server? With dedicated hosting, the website in completely is your hands and you have many benefits and resources. Even if it is expensive than VPS hosting, it is all worth the money.

Let us get these answers of when to switch in the following points below.

• Many small businesses websites run on VPS hosting and it is good for them since it is economical compared to dedicated hosting and it is a great place to start with. Whereas, when your business starts growing and you have more traffic coming in, the resources that VPS provides are not enough for your website. It cannot support the increased traffic that you are receiving. This is when you should realize that you need a change in the plan.

• An advantage in dedicated hosting is that it takes care of everything from software upgrades to security. While you manage your growing business, you don’t have to worry about your website.

• Dedicated server assures maximum performance and reliability and no downtime. This is a great advantage when you have many people visiting your website. VPS hosting also has great performance and less downtime, but compared to dedicated hosting it is nowhere. Downtime depicts a bad image of your business, and when you know that there are more visitors and there is more downtime too, you have to realize that it is time that you change your server. With VPS hosting you have to worry about neighbours influences

• If your website needs capture details of your customers like name, address, email id, phone numbers and most importantly credit card details, you need dedicated hosting plans because it is the most secure plan to keep these important details safe. There is no risk of identity theft. Since you are the only one using the server, there is absolutely no risk and security is at the maximum.

• When you get more complaints from your users about your site’s performance being slow server response time and bad performance, it is an indication to switch to dedicated hosting.

• With dedicated servers, you are always in control. VPS hosting won’t provide you with so much control as dedicated hosting services do. If your business need server administration changes all the time then it is time to switch.

• If you have the necessary technical expertise and you run specialized web applications that need systems, setting or software installed in your operating system, then all this can be done with ease. Since you have the root access all this can be done very easily. It is like using your own computer and pinch anything.

So which option is the best for you? Is it time for you to consider a change to dedicated hosting? It is indeed expensive than VPS hosting but the benefits it provides is great. Do not wait until you start getting complaints about your website. Act fast and think smart of when to switch.

Hosting recipe provides numerous hosting plans. Check out our hosting plans and choose what suits best for you.

