When you want to have a GPU server

3 min readJan 21, 2020


It is always nice to have a fast server with a powerful CPU for everyday needs, but it is even better when you have a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to accelerate the process many times over. Hostkey uses only high-performance GPUs — NVIDIA GTX 1080/1080Ti and RTX 2080Ti and NVIDIA TESLA V100/P100 — powerful units that can suit anyone’s needs.
Since the advent of GPGPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units), the usage of GPUs in servers has become increasingly popular. A GPU can process data faster using its many cores compared to a CPU, which has a few but much more powerful cores. The idea is that GPUs can have hundreds or even thousands of cores to process multiple streams of data in parallel and at the same time. Though GPU cores are slower than most CPU cores, together they can process the data simultaneously at a higher rate, saving you time and money.

Graphic processing
If you are into graphics rendering whether it is a picture or animation, you will invariably want the process to consume as little time as possible. Therefore, let your graphics card do the job it was designed for. Combined with a powerful CPU, you will get the best results when rendering. In an industry test where an 8-core 3.4GHz Xeon rendered the same image via V-ray versus a high-end NVIDIA GPU with about 2700 CUDA cores. Render times were about 19 minutes for the CPU and about 3 minutes for the GPU to produce a picture of the same quality.

Neural Networks
Even if it is not necessary to use GPU servers to train neural networks as you can use the processing power of a CPU, it is makes business sense to accelerate the process. If you need to train huge neural networks, a server with a GPU on board is strongly recommended. Using powerful graphics cards will drastically reduce the amount of time required from months or weeks to days. We are offering servers with TensorFlow pre-installed and ready to go. Large networks help people all over the world to predict extreme weather, transcribe medieval texts, and in image/face searching/recognition.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Do you need a powerful and secure server that is able to provide streaming video or use applications such as ArchiCAD that require a GPU to process the data? You are definitely looking for a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) server. Not only will it save on costs for workstations in your office and improve security, but it will also be available for you to connect remotely, anywhere, anytime, at light speed and from almost any device.
There are more tasks that benefit from having a GPU onboard — video transcoding, telemedicine applications, facial recognition, mining, data science and many more…

HOSTKEY offers GPU dedicated servers with VPS NVIDIA GTX 1080/1080Ti and RTX 2080Ti and NVIDIA TESLA V100/P100 GPUs that are capable of processing any given task at an affordable price.

