😷COVID-19 Update

Joy Ekuta
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2020


It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us — we promise work has been happening behind the scenes. We’re looking forward to showing off some of the progress and events that have happened in 2020 so far!

For now, in light of current affairs, we thought it was important to share more publicly part of the update we provided to our team this morning:

Hello all,

We hope this message finds you in good health!

2020 has started off with a few bumps, but we’re moving forward and committed to having an upturn.

In the most recent news, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our business. As the core of our business is focused on in-person events, we have been dealing with cancellations as well as the heightened pressure around supporting the relationships with our event planners who are feeling the economic downturn on their businesses. We have encouraged those we are working with to consider cancelling any social gatherings.

During this period, our focus will be set on continuing to support our planners, and preparing for the wave of gatherings & events (new & rescheduled) that we anticipate to happen later this year.

Wide scale social distancing was definitely not something we were prepared for — but we’re optimistic about what comes next. The grand shift to working from home has definitely increased awareness of the value of social gatherings. We’re excited to take this on!

📣Bonus Section

-Check-in with the planners & small business owners in your life. Support them where you can.

-Practice healthy in-person social distancing — but also use this time to reconnect with people online (social & video platform) during virtual lunch or coffee breaks.

As always, thanks for reading along! Looking forward to continuing to share more along the way.

Founder and CEO

We’re working up a few suggestions for how to stay social and keep celebrating during this time, so keep an eye out for that post.

In the meantime, please stay safe & keep washing your hands! 👐

Person washing their hands
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash



Joy Ekuta

Co-founder @retrospect. Previous founder of @hostowambe. She/Her | Christian | Nigerian | MIT grad | D&I Advocate