Blockchain and AI: Shaping the Future of Hotel Bookings

Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech
Published in
15 min readJan 19, 2024


Picture this: You’re entering a realm where snagging your ideal hotel room is as breezy as shooting a text. Every option feels like it’s been handpicked just for you. Welcome to the not-so-distant future of hotel bookings! Here, Blockchain and AI aren’t just shaking up the game. They’re totally redefining the whole hospitality industry. In this deep dive, we’ll explore how these snazzy tech wonders are flipping hotel bookings on their head. We’re talking about a world where efficiency, airtight security, and bang-on personalization aren’t just pie-in-the-sky dreams — they’re the real deal. So, buckle up, and let’s embark on a journey into this thrilling tech transformation. Ever wondered how your next hotel booking might be a part of this tech revolution? Let’s find out!

Image created by the author.

Imagine Sarah, a tech-savvy hotelier, always on the lookout for the next big thing in hospitality. She’s seen it all, from the days of booking rooms through phone calls to the digital revolution that brought online reservations. But now, Sarah’s world is buzzing with something even more exciting — a tech revolution spearheaded by Blockchain and AI. This isn’t just a fancy trend. It’s a game-changer that’s reshaping the entire hotel booking experience.

Remember the old-school way? Booking through travel agents or calling hotels directly? Well, that’s ancient history now. The internet kicked off this transformation, making online bookings the new norm. But hold onto your hats, because here comes the real deal: Blockchain and AI. They’re not just cool tech buzzwords. They’re the dynamic duo turning the hotel booking world upside down.

Blockchain’s the rockstar of security and trust, bringing a level of transaction efficiency we’ve only dreamed of. And AI? It’s like your personal booking genie, using data smarts to find what you love. Together, they’re not just changing the game — they’re creating a whole new playing field.

In this article, we’re diving deep into this tech fusion. We’ll explore how booking systems evolved, what Blockchain and AI each bring to the party, and how they’re joining forces to revolutionize hotel bookings. We’ll tackle the hurdles they face and peek into the future. For Sarah and hoteliers everywhere, this isn’t just about using new tools, it’s about being part of a new era in hotel bookings, where everything’s smarter, safer, and oh-so-personalized.

The Evolution of Hotel Booking Systems

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane with Sarah, our tech-savvy hotelier, and witness the incredible journey of hotel booking systems. It’s a story of relentless evolution, where each chapter is fueled by tech innovations that have reshaped the hospitality landscape. From scribbling in reservation logs to today’s digital marvels, it’s been quite the ride!

Remember the good old days? Hotel bookings were pretty straightforward — either you’d chat directly with the hotel or ring up a travel agent. It worked, sure, but it was slow and a bit like a game of telephone — you never knew what you’d end up with. Then came the big game-changers: phones and computers. Suddenly, everything got a bit faster, a bit more efficient, but it was still pretty much the same old song and dance, just with fancier tools.

The real party started with the internet. Think about it — before, your options were as wide as your phonebook or travel agent’s knowledge. But the internet? It flung open the doors to a world of choices. Hotels, big and small, got a ticket to the global stage, shaking up the whole booking scene.

Then there were the OTAs, the new kids on the block. They gathered all the hotel info in one place, making life easier for travelers. But (and there’s always a ‘but’), they brought their own headaches — cutthroat competition and those pesky fees.

Now, let’s talk about AI, the new brainy kid on the block. AI’s like having a personal booking wizard. It sifts through mountains of data to dish out tailor-made recommendations. Hotels got smarter about managing rooms and setting prices, while travelers got a more customized experience. It’s a win-win!

So, what’s the takeaway from this epic journey? Hotel booking has come a long way, baby! We’ve gone from pen and paper to smart systems that know what you want before you do. It’s no longer just about booking a room, it’s about crafting an experience that’s as unique as you are.

As Sarah looks towards the future, it’s clear that this journey’s far from over. With Blockchain and AI joining forces, we’re not just stepping — we’re leaping into a world where hotel bookings are smarter, safer, and more personal than ever. The evolution of hotel booking systems isn’t just a tech story, it’s a tale of how we’ve grown, adapted, and dreamt up new ways to make travel unforgettable.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Blockchain Technology in the Hospitality Industry

So, let’s dive into the world of blockchain — a term you’ve probably heard tossed around a lot, especially when people chat about cryptocurrencies. But here’s the twist: blockchain’s got some serious tricks up its sleeve for the hospitality industry, way beyond just digital money.

At its heart, blockchain is like a digital ledger, but supercharged. It spreads its records across a bunch of computers, making it really tough for anyone to mess with the data. Think of it as the Fort Knox of digital transactions. This is huge for hotel bookings, where trust and efficiency are as important as a comfy bed.

Now, blockchain’s a bit of a rebel — it doesn’t like middlemen. Dong et al. (2020) pointed out that it kicks the traditional booking agents to the curb, cutting costs and making things simpler. It’s all about connecting hoteliers like Sarah directly with travelers, no extra fluff. For example, Winding Tree, a blockchain-based travel platform, eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing booking fees for both travelers and hotels.

Then there’s Kizildag et al. (2019), who looked at blockchain’s cool tricks in the hotel world. Picture this: You use digital coins to book your room, slashing those pesky currency issues. Or imagine smart contracts — these nifty little programs that make sure your booking is set in digital stone, reducing the chances of overbooking mishaps. Imagine using smart contracts to guarantee your booking and eliminate overbooking headaches, like Hospitable allows.

But wait, there’s more! Loyalty programs get a facelift too. Instead of juggling points from ten different places, blockchain puts them all on one platform. So, that free coffee or room upgrade? It’s just a few clicks away. For instance, a blockchain-based platform could unify loyalty points from different hotels, making it easier to redeem them for rewards. Sounds futuristic? Loyalti, is a blockchain-based loyalty program that allows travelers to earn and redeem points across different hotel chains.

Blahopoluchna et al. (2022) even said blockchain could be a big deal for the big-picture stuff in hotels — like who’s supplying the fluffy towels and making sure those customer reviews are the real deal.

I know, I know, you’re curious to learn of other use-cases as well within the industry. Here are a few more:

  • Integrates AI and blockchain to provide “Travel Assurance,” a service that protects travelers from flight cancellations and delays using smart contracts.
  • LockChain Group: Offers a blockchain-based platform for tracking and managing vacation rentals, ensuring security and transparency for both owners and guests.
  • CitizenM Hotels: Pilots AI-powered robots for guest services like luggage delivery and room service, enhancing staff efficiency and guest convenience.

Of course, it’s not all smooth sailing. The biggest hiccup? Getting everyone on board with this tech and fitting it into the old systems. It’s like teaching your grandma to text — it takes time and patience.

So, what’s the bottom line? Blockchain’s not just a tech buzzword, it’s a game-changer for hotel bookings. It’s got the potential to make things safer, cheaper, and way more streamlined. We’re on the cusp of a revolution in how we book our stays, and for hoteliers like Sarah, it’s a chance to be part of something really big — a new chapter in the story of hospitality.

AI’s Role in Enhancing Customer Experience

Let’s zoom in on AI, the tech whiz that’s totally transforming how hotels like Sarah’s connect with their guests. It’s way more than just a fancy robot doing stuff for you. AI’s reshaping the whole customer experience, making it as personalized as your favorite playlist.

First up, AI’s a data ninja. It sifts through oceans of info — from your past vacay choices to your late-night Google searches — to figure out exactly what makes you tick. This means when you’re looking for a hotel, you get suggestions that feel like they’ve been handpicked just for you. It’s like having a mind-reading concierge, making sure your stay is spot on. For instance, Marriott uses AI to analyze guest preferences and recommend activities or restaurants during their stay.

But wait, there’s more. AI’s not just about making nice suggestions. It’s got a head for numbers too. Chawla (2014), talked about how AI’s a whiz at juggling room rates and occupancy. It keeps an eye on when people like to travel and how they book, tweaking prices to make sure hotels like Sarah’s are always buzzing, but never overcrowded. Hilton leverages AI-powered algorithms to adjust room rates based on factors like demand and competition, ensuring optimal occupancy and revenue.

And let’s not forget the booking process itself. AI’s streamlined it to a T. Chatbots and AI customer service tools are the new front desk staff — they’re quick, they’re helpful, and they never need a coffee break. They handle the simple stuff, like answering questions and helping with bookings, which lets the human staff focus on the trickier issues.

Chawla’s (2013) findings drive this home. Imagine your favorite hotel’s all booked up. Old-school methods would leave you hanging, but AI? It’ll find you an alternative that’s just as good, keeping you happy and the hotel humming.

So, what’s the big picture? AI’s not just a fancy tool. It’s a game-changer in how hotels like Sarah’s do business. It’s all about giving you a stay that’s tailor-made for you, keeping things running smoothly, and making sure every guest feels like they’re the only one in the world. As AI keeps evolving, its role in hotels is only going to get bigger and better. It’s not just about booking a room anymore. It’s about crafting an experience that’s as unique as each guest.

Beyond the Booking Button: A Glimpse into the Future of Hospitality

But AI’s not just a booking whiz, it’s a master of personalization too! Imagine stepping into your hotel room, and the lights adjust to your preferred brightness, the temperature’s perfect, and even the music welcomes you back with your favorite tunes. That’s the magic of smart room automation, powered by AI that learns your preferences and tailors your stay to be pure bliss.

And it doesn’t stop there! Think AI recommending hidden gem restaurants you’ll love based on your past foodie adventures, or suggesting activities that match your inner explorer. Forget generic recommendations, AI crafts experiences as unique as you are. Plus, as mentioned above, loyalty programs are getting a makeover, too. No more sifting through points from ten different hotels — imagine a single platform powered by blockchain that lets you redeem rewards seamlessly across your favorite staycations.

Now, let’s peek into the hotel’s side of things. Blockchain isn’t just about secure bookings. It’s an efficiency superhero! Imagine revenue management that’s smarter than ever, with AI-powered algorithms predicting demand and adjusting prices in real-time, ensuring hotels are always buzzing but never overcrowded.

And the supply chain? Streamlined like never before. Blockchain tracks everything from linens to local produce, guaranteeing transparency and cutting costs. Loyalty programs also get a blockchain boost, with secure and tamper-proof records that make earning and redeeming rewards a breeze.

Integrating Blockchain and AI in Hotel Bookings

Imagine a world where the tech wizardry of Blockchain and AI come together in hotel bookings — that’s what Sarah, our forward-thinking hotelier, is eyeing up. This isn’t just about throwing two cutting-edge technologies into the mix. It’s about blending their strengths to revolutionize the guest experience.

Blockchain’s like the sturdy safe of the digital world — super secure and transparent. Now, mix that with AI’s knack for knowing what you want before you do, and you’ve got a killer combo. They tackle the big headaches of hotel bookings: keeping your data safe, building trust, and serving up stays that feel tailor-made.

Zhang et al. (2021) toyed with this idea of a multi-chain setup in tourism. It’s like having a bunch of interconnected digital highways, making the flow of info smooth and secure. In hotel bookings, this means you get a seamless experience, whether you’re dealing with hotels, travel agents, or other services. This could involve multi-chain setups like those explored by Zhang et al. (2021), ensuring smooth data exchange between hotels, travel agents, and other services.

Demirel et al. (2021) threw another cool idea into the ring — smart contracts. Think of them as your digital handshake, making sure everything from your booking to payment is on the up-and-up, without any nasty surprises. These contracts, like the ones studied by Demirel et al. (2021), could ensure secure transactions and eliminate booking disputes.

But here’s where it gets really exciting. Salah et al. (2019) dove into how blockchain can beef up AI’s brainpower. Your data’s safe on a blockchain, so AI can sift through it to offer up travel tips, pricing, and even guess what you might need during your stay, all while keeping your info locked down tight.

Of course, it’s not all smooth sailing. Meshing Blockchain and AI is like fitting together a complex puzzle — it needs time, money, and some serious brainpower. Plus, there’s the whole deal with getting everyone to agree on how to handle data privacy and security.

In a nutshell, blending Blockchain and AI in hotel bookings is like opening a door to the future of hospitality. It’s about giving guests like you an experience that’s not just safe and smooth, but also feels like it was crafted just for you. As these tech giants evolve, they’re not just an add-on. They’re becoming the heart and soul of how hotels like Sarah’s will stand out in a crowded market.

Ensuring a Trustworthy Future: Ethical Considerations

Like any shiny new tech, Blockchain and AI aren’t without their ethical hiccups. Data privacy worries are a big one, especially with AI personalizing your every vacation whim.

We all have questions: is my data safe? Who owns it? How’s it used? And with Blockchain, where data’s spread across a whole network, things get even trickier — who’s in charge? Don’t fret, the industry’s not ignoring these concerns.

Think clear data privacy policies, industry rules, and responsible data practices — all essential for building trust. Thankfully, they’re actively tackling these challenges, cooking up solutions like data anonymization tools and features that put you in control. So, while there are hurdles to jump, remember, ethical considerations are paving the way for a future where these technologies transform hospitality in a way that’s both awesome and secure.

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

Challenges and Future Outlook

Sarah, our tech-savvy hotelier, is at the forefront of this thrilling tech revolution with Blockchain and AI in hotel bookings. But let’s not sugarcoat it — this journey is packed with bumps and twists. Understanding these challenges and peeking into what the future holds is important for riding this wave successfully.

First off, there’s the big cultural shift. Strebinger and Treiblmaier (2022) pointed out that not everyone’s ready to jump on the blockchain bandwagon. People’s attitudes towards tech can vary wildly, depending on their cultural background. It’s like trying to get everyone to agree on the best vacation spot — some love the beach, others the mountains. Getting folks on board with blockchain-based booking needs a bit of finesse, considering these cultural nuances.

Then there’s the tech tangle. Many hotels are still running on systems that look like they’re from the Stone Age compared to Blockchain and AI. Upgrading these systems is like renovating an old house — it’s costly, complicated, and can be a real headache.

Don’t forget about data privacy. With AI handling heaps of personal info, making sure it all stays safe is a big deal, especially with laws like GDPR in the mix. And because blockchain’s a bit of a maverick when it comes to data control, figuring out who’s responsible for what data can be as tricky as a jigsaw puzzle.

But let’s look ahead — the future’s shimmering with possibilities. Puri et al. (2023) are betting on blockchain to make tourism smarter. Imagine a world where your entire travel experience is seamless, personalized, and secure — that’s the dream blockchain and AI are chasing.

Personalization’s going to be huge. AI’s getting smarter by the day, whipping up travel suggestions that fit you like a glove. And with blockchain ensuring your data’s safe as houses, sharing your preferences won’t feel so scary.

So, what’s the bottom line? Merging Blockchain and AI in hotel bookings is like navigating uncharted waters — it’s thrilling, but not without its share of challenges. For hoteliers like Sarah, it’s about steering through these hurdles to tap into the immense potential of these technologies. Looking forward, the horizon’s bright with a more connected, personalized, and secure way of planning our travels, all thanks to the magic of Blockchain and AI.


So, here we are at the end of our journey, with Sarah and her quest to blend Blockchain and AI into her hotel’s booking system. It’s not just a tech upgrade — it’s a total makeover for the hospitality experience. From the days of jotting down bookings in a ledger to now, where clicks and algorithms do the heavy lifting, this evolution is a mirror of our tech-savvy world and ever-shifting guest expectations.

Blockchain’s like the superhero of the digital world — bringing trust, transparency, and a whole new level of security to hotel bookings. It’s tackling the big issues head-on, from keeping data safe to making transactions as smooth as silk. And the best part? It’s bridging the gap between hotels and guests, setting the stage for more honest and direct interactions.

Then there’s AI, the perfect sidekick, adding its flair of personalization and smart insights. It’s like having a genie that knows what you want before you even ask, offering recommendations that hit the spot every time. AI’s not just smart. It’s become an essential part of how hotels get the right guests into the right rooms at the right prices.

Sure, this road to tech harmony isn’t without its potholes. We’ve got cultural differences, tech integration headaches, privacy concerns, and a bunch of rules to play by. But the light at the end of the tunnel? It’s bright and promising.

Looking forward, the horizon’s lined with possibilities for hotel bookings — smoother, safer, and more tailored to each guest’s whims. As Blockchain and AI grow and learn, they’re set to become the gold standard in hospitality, pushing the envelope for what it means to deliver top-notch service and efficiency.

In wrapping up, it’s clear that Blockchain and AI are more than just fancy tools in a hotelier’s toolbox. They’re the architects of a bold new era in hotel bookings, a wave of innovation that’s reshaping how we think about travel and hospitality. As these technologies continue to evolve, they’re sure to keep redefining our hotel booking adventures, making every stay a bit more magical. And who knows, maybe the next time you book a hotel, it’ll be a glimpse into this fascinating future.


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Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech

AI and Tech in simple language. Complex ideas, made simple. Stay at the forefront of the revolution.