Ready to Ditch Clunky Booking Sites? AGI Might Be the Answer

Discover how AI could create hotel bookings as unique as you are.

Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech
7 min readMar 28, 2024


Ever felt like this when trying to book a hotel? AGI promises a smoother ride.

Picture this: after months of saving, you’re finally ready to book that tropical getaway. The excitement fades as soon as you land on your usual hotel booking site. The design looks like it hasn’t changed since 2002, every decent room option is marked “Only 1 Left!” (sure…), and you swear the search filters are working against you. Does this sound familiar?

I recently went through this exact ordeal, and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. Turns out, I’m not alone — a whopping 75% of potential hotel bookings end up abandoned because of frustrating experiences just like that one. Ouch!

But what if there was a way to book hotels without wanting to throw your laptop out the window? What if it were as easy as chatting with a super-knowledgeable travel buddy? This is where things get interesting — enter Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Don’t worry, I won’t hit you with tech jargon; just think of AGI as a type of AI so smart that it could learn your preferences and make booking a breeze.

Ready to dive in? Let’s explore why our current booking systems often feel prehistoric and how AGI could completely change the game.

The Trouble with Today: Booking Bottlenecks

We’ve all been there, clicking through a seemingly endless maze of irrelevant hotel listings, squinting at outdated websites that give off major “sketchy roadside motel” vibes. Let’s dissect the biggest pain points that make booking a hotel feel more like a chore than the first step to your dream vacation:

  • Clunky Interfaces: You know a website is in trouble when it makes you nostalgic for dial-up internet. Confusing navigation, tiny photos, and a general sense that nothing works quite as it should — these are the hallmarks of a booking experience designed to drive you mad. I once spent 20 minutes on a site that kept crashing every time I tried to compare room types. Seriously!
  • Slowpoke Systems: In today’s world of instant gratification, waiting more than three seconds for a page to load feels like torture. If a hotel booking site can’t keep up, chances are good you’ll move on to a competitor.
  • Where’s the Personal Touch? Too often, booking sites feel like they don’t know you at all. You spend ages filtering through irrelevant options, bombarded by hotels that are way over budget or clash with your vacation style. Don’t they know I always travel with my dog?

These issues aren’t just annoying; they cost hotels serious money. But imagine if the booking process could be transformed… and this is where AGI offers a glimmer of hope.

The Promise of AGI: Booking Bliss Awaits

Okay, let’s get a little futuristic without totally losing our heads in the clouds. Remember AGI, our super-smart AI friend? Here’s how it could revolutionize the way we book hotels:

  • Your Personal Travel Genie: Forget endless scrolling and irrelevant listings. Imagine a booking system that understands your preferences like a seasoned travel agent. It learns that you always crave a balcony and a sea view, adore boutique hotels, and despise loud resorts. The result? A curated list of options tailored just for you.
  • 24/7 Instant Answers: AGI doesn’t need sleep, and neither does your travel planning. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, you could get answers to questions or book that perfect room anytime, anywhere. No more availability disappearing while you wait for business hours.
  • The Anticipation Machine: What if your booking system didn’t just take orders but proactively surprised you? AGI could analyze your preferences, past trips, and even social media chatter to suggest a hidden gem of a hotel, a local festival happening during your stay, or score you a sold-out reservation by predicting a last-minute cancellation.

Let’s Get Practical (With a Dash of Speculation):

AGI-powered booking systems could:

  • Suggest hotels tailored to travelers with similar tastes, making those “If you liked this, you’ll love that!” recommendations truly accurate.
  • Help navigate complex trip planning spanning flights, activities, rental cars, and of course, that perfect hotel as a basecamp.

The potential is mind-boggling. AGI aims to transform hotel booking from a transaction into an experience — one that’s personalized, anticipatory, and genuinely enjoyable.

Beyond the Basics: AGI-Driven Innovation

We’ve covered the ways AGI could personalize and simplify the booking process. But that’s just the start! Let’s venture into even more exciting territory:

  • Dynamic Pricing: Fluidity Based on Reality: Imagine prices that adjust in real time based on demand, local events, weather, and even your individual booking history. This could mean more flexibility for hotels to maximize revenue, and (here’s the exciting part) potential for savvy travelers to snag amazing last-minute deals.
  • The All-Knowing Virtual Concierge: Think of having an encyclopedia of knowledge about your hotel and its surroundings at your fingertips. No more frantic Googling to find the best gluten-free bakery nearby; your AGI assistant has the answer. It can even learn your quirks over time, proactively suggesting a quiet morning yoga class because it knows you enjoyed one on a previous trip.
  • Seamless Systems: Behind-the-Scenes Magic: AGI could break down the frustrating silos that sometimes exist within hotels. Imagine your booking info instantly updating inventory systems, leading to accurate room availability. Or your past preferences and loyalty status being shared with staff, so you’re greeted with a personalized welcome instead of a generic “What’s your last name?”
  • Augmenting Humans, Not Replacing Them: It’s vital to remember that AGI is a tool, not a threat. By automating repetitive tasks, it could free up amazing hotel staff to focus on what they do best — providing exceptional hospitality. Think of front desk agents having more time to greet guests warmly or a concierge with the bandwidth to curate truly unique experiences.

Where Do Things Get Wild? Let’s imagine a few years down the road… You tell an AGI-powered system you’re interested in a relaxing beach escape. Immediately, it presents options tailored to your budget, dates, and that past fondness for stylish oceanfront hotels. It spots an upcoming food festival in the area and suggests grabbing tickets before they’re gone. Since you’ve always enjoyed scuba diving, it checks in with a reputable diving company for availability.

This isn’t just about booking a room; it’s about crafting a truly personalized experience.

Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing the Future

While the promise of AGI is exhilarating, it’s wise to acknowledge and plan for potential hurdles along the way:

  • The Cost Factor: Developing sophisticated AGI systems can be expensive, especially in the early stages. This might present a challenge for smaller hotels or independent properties with limited budgets. However, it’s important to view AGI as a potential investment in streamlined operations and enhanced guest experiences.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: AGI thrives on learning and understanding its users. Some travelers might feel uneasy about how much personal data is collected and how it’s being used. Hotels embracing AGI will need to champion transparency, building trust through strong privacy policies and secure systems.
  • Algorithmic Bias: Like any AI, AGI systems are susceptible to biases inherited from the data they train on. It’s crucial to develop these systems with fairness in mind. This means using diverse datasets, constant vigilance in testing, and a commitment to ethical AI principles.
  • The Human Touch: We must never forget that genuine human connection is at the heart of hospitality. AGI should be a tool to augment the amazing things hotel staff already do, not a replacement for them. Striking the right balance, where technology frees people to provide personalized service, will be key.

Proactive Solutions

  • Collaboration is Key: Hotels and tech developers must work together to build AGI solutions that truly address the industry's needs.
  • Start Small, Then Scale: Begin with smaller AGI projects like chatbots or tailored recommendation systems. This will build comfort, allow for adjustment, and demonstrate value to stakeholders.
  • Guest-Centric Design: Keep guests at the forefront of development, soliciting feedback, and making privacy controls clear.
  • Invest in Staff: Empower your team to understand and work with AGI systems, embracing them as tools to enhance their ability to provide great service.

The hospitality industry has a reputation for adaptability. By addressing these challenges head-on, hotels can position themselves to not just ride the wave of the AGI revolution but to shape it.

Conclusion: The AGI-Powered Hotel of the Future

We’ve traveled from frustration to futuristic possibilities. Let’s recap some of the ways AGI could transform the hotel booking experience:

  • Effortless and Intuitive Booking: No more clunky websites or confusing interfaces. AGI promises an experience as smooth as chatting with a helpful friend.
  • Hyper-Personalization: Hotels that truly understand you, curating options that match your unique desires (and maybe even surprise you!).
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlining processes for both guests and hotels, freeing up staff to focus on delivering exceptional service.
  • Innovative Possibilities: From dynamic pricing to virtual concierges, a world of exciting new services becomes possible.

Imagine This…

You arrive at a hotel where booking was a mere afterthought. The room feels perfectly tailored to you, down to your preferred pillow type. The concierge bot, already acquainted with your love of art, has curated a list of gallery openings and local street art hotspots. It even suggests packing a picnic lunch, having noticed clear skies in the forecast. This is the future AGI could help create — a future focused on seamless processes and unforgettable experiences.

Call to Action

The hospitality industry is on the cusp of transformation. I invite you to join the conversation:

  • How could AGI revolutionize your specific hotel or property?
  • What excites you most (or maybe worries you a little) about this potential?
  • Do you have tips or experiences with streamlining the booking process to share?

Let’s shape the future of travel together! Share your thoughts in the comments section.



Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech

AI and Tech in simple language. Complex ideas, made simple. Stay at the forefront of the revolution.