How to Attract the New Wave of Remote Workers to Your Hotel

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7 min readAug 17, 2023

The corporate world is changing globally, with more companies than ever adopting remote and hybrid work arrangements This shift is reshaping our understanding of the ideal workplace, fueling a growing interest in the digital nomad lifestyle and increasing the number of remote workers. This lifestyle empowers individuals to work from any location, whether that’s cafes, co-working spaces, or, notably, hotels.

Remote workers might not always book an overnight stay at a hotel, but they are increasingly finding value in reserving a room for a day to focus on tasks in a quiet, comfortable setting. Alternatively, they might spend a productive afternoon in the hotel’s lounge, enjoying food and drinks during virtual meetings. Regardless of the duration of their stay, these remote professionals are quickly emerging as valuable patrons for hotels.

People enjoying snack while working at a co-working hotel space.
The wave of remote workers gives you an opportunity to attract a new segment of travellers.

Catering to Remote Workers

Rkers, surprisingly, have preferences that align closely with those of traditional hotel guests. A key difference is their inclination for long-term stays. They seek a hotel that mirrors the comforts of home, yet is equipped with the amenities essential for a productive workspace. For them, dependable Wi-Fi holds equal weight to health and safety measures, highlighting the need to excel in essential offeReady torings:

  • A seamless booking process: Aim for a user-friendly, hassle-free experience for potential guests.
  • Accurate and detailed information: Outline in detail the facilities, amenities, and services your hotel offers that cater to remote workers.
  • Responsive customer service: Ensure timely and dependable support for remote workers, particularly when technical issues arise.

By excelling in these foundational areas, your hotel positions itself as a trustworthy brand and a prime choice for remote workers.

To further distinguish your hotel from competitors, spotlight features that facilitate productive work. Consider offering dedicated workspaces. These needn’t be formal conference rooms, but rather designated areas within your hotel conducive to focused work. Complimentary snacks and unlimited coffee in the lobby can be enticing perks, drawing remote workers in search of a supportive work environment.

A bright and clean room with a laptop on the table.
Having desks or tables in your room can be attractive for remote workers who might want a quiet space to work from.

Crafting a Compelling Digital Presence to Attract Remote Workers

The easiest way to attract remote workers is to meet them where they already are: online. This means making sure your digital brand presence is current and active. You can optimise your online platforms to target remote workers by using these strategies:

1. Personalise User Touchpoints

Implement personalised touchpoints to establish a strong connection with remote workers throughout their guest journey. Consider these strategies:

Optimising Your Website

Ensure your hotel’s website showcases features that cater to remote workers. Highlight dedicated workspaces, high-speed internet, and ergonomic setups. Visually appealing content, like professional photos and virtual tours, can enhance your hotel’s appeal. It also never hurts to continue to work on your SEO strategy. Using targeted keywords like ‘digital nomad’, ‘workcation’, and ‘remote work’ will put your hotel at the top of search results and lead to greater exposure and more bookings.

Tailored Email Marketing Campaigns

Craft personalised emails to engage both potential and returning guests. Use these communications to spotlight your hotel’s commitment to catering to their unique needs. These emails can include information about remote work amenities, local co-working spaces, or networking events. Make sure to take this opportunity to highlight your hotel’s remote work-friendly facilities and services, along with offers or discounts available to remote workers.

Chatbots for Instant Assistance

Deploy chatbots on your hotel’s website or messaging platforms to offer timely assistance to remote workers contemplating a stay at your hotel. These digital helpers can field common questions, suggest nearby cafes that are conducive to remote work, and aid with booking inquiries. This not only streamlines the guest experience but also frees your staff to concentrate on strategic tasks.

Man using smartphone next to a laptop.
Make sure to establish a strong connection with remote workers throughout the whole guest journey.

2. Personalise Your Offers

To appeal to remote workers, it’s essential to craft personalised offers that are attuned to their unique needs. This might encompass discounted rates for extended stays or booking options that offer flexibility, mirroring the fluid nature of remote work schedules. With a deep understanding of this group’s specific needs, you are well-positioned to design compelling offers that distinguish your hotel from competitors.

Offering specific packages catered to remote working is a great way to attract them to your hotel. Consider packages that bundle key amenities, such as access to co-working spaces, complimentary breakfasts, or fitness facilities, to bolster the value proposition for remote workers. Marriott and Hyatt’s remote work packages are two great examples of hotel brands accommodating the specific needs of remote work.

A person puring themselves coffee in front of a table with breakfast.
Complementary breakfasts can boost your value proposition for remote workers.

3. Engaging via Social Media

A significant number of remote workers consult social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube when choosing their next destination. Thus, maintaining a presence on these platforms is vital for your brand, even if you don’t post daily. Just make sure that when you do, you share authentic and captivating content that appeals to remote workers. This could be anything from guest testimonials to behind-the-scenes looks, or even information about local attractions and activities. And active participation is key thoughtfully engaging with other profiles will allow travellers to see your hotel in an authentic way and enhance your brand’s presence within the remote work community.

Influencer marketing can also be a powerful tool for attracting remote workers. Hotels can collaborate with relevant influencers or digital nomads who have a strong online presence and a remote work-focused audience. These influencers can promote your hotel’s work-friendly features, share their experiences, and generate interest among their followers all while expanding your brand’s reach.

Initiating social media contests or challenges related to remote work can stimulate user-generated content and boost engagement levels. Through sustained and meaningful interaction with the remote work community on social media, your hotel remains a prominent consideration and is poised to cultivate a devoted following.

A photo of a person recording themselves while sitting on a chair and eating a pizza.
There are plenty of remote worker/digital nomad influencers that you can collaborate with.

4. Encourage User-Generated Content and Reviews

Positive reviews and user-generated content (UGC) can play a vital role in attracting remote workers to book with you. After they’ve left, encourage satisfied guests to share their experiences and reviews on your website, social media channels, and any third-party booking platforms your hotel is listed on. You can even get a bit more creative with your UGC strategy by asking current and past guests to share their experiences using branded hashtags.

Securing positive reviews across these platforms not only showcases your hotel’s dedication to satisfying the needs of remote workers but also wields considerable sway over the decisions of prospective guests. Amplifying the narratives and testimonials of remote workers who have previously enjoyed stays at your hotel offers compelling social validation and bolsters your credibility, fostering faster conversions.

Person taking photos of their breakfast food.
Nowadays, reviews can also take the form of photos posted on social media.

5. Build Relationships and Earn Loyalty

Remote workers and digital nomads are more likely to come back if they enjoyed their experience the first time. Unlike guests who are on a tour or staying with you for a short work trip, your hotel is, in fact, the destination for these customers. This makes it crucial to stay in touch with these guests and create a lasting relationship long after check-out.

Offer Referral Incentives

To maximize your reach and attract more remote workers, provide a referral incentive to guests who refer their colleagues, family, or friends. This simple gesture can significantly expand your network and generate new bookings from the remote work community.

Establish Feedback Loops

Following a guest’s stay, create feedback loops to gather valuable insights and improve your offerings. Actively seek feedback from your past guests and promptly respond to their suggestions or concerns. By demonstrating your commitment to continuously enhancing the remote work experience, you’ll strengthen their trust and encourage repeat visits.

Cultivate Positive Word-of-Mouth

Engaging with remote workers and providing exceptional experiences can result in positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Encourage your satisfied guests to share their experiences with others in their network and online communities. This is an organic way to help to increase awareness of your hotel among remote workers and attract new guests.

Collaborate with the Remote Work Ecosystems

Forge partnerships with nearby co-working spaces, remote job boards, and digital nomad communities. By aligning your hotel with these organizations, you’ll position yourself as a dedicated supporter of remote work and gain exposure to a wider audience of potential guests. Explore opportunities for cross-promotion, joint events, or special discounts for members of these communities.

By prioritizing strong customer relationships, seeking feedback, and integrating yourself within the remote work ecosystem, you can establish your hotel as a preferred destination for this growing community.

shot of hotel staff engaging in a team meeting, discussing potential improvements.
Find ways to stay in touch with guests and create a lasting relationship long after check-out.

Ready to bring in remote workers?

Attracting remote workers to your hotel requires a strategic approach that aligns with their particular needs and preferences. A cohesive and compelling digital presence paired with tailored offers will undoubtedly set your hotel apart from the competition.

Early engagement is key. By implementing these digital strategies that target them far before the booking process and by highlighting features and amenities that are especially relevant to remote work, you can establish a strong connection that will lead to fast and repeat conversions.




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