Annual Expedia Group Java MeetUp — 27th March Engineering
The Technology Blog
2 min readFeb 12, 2019
Simon Maple presenting the “RebelLabs Developer Productivity Report 2017” at Java Meetup 2017.

Our annual Java meetup is going to be held on Wednesday 27th March at the Expedia Group offices in Angel.

On the evening we have a wide range of talks from Steve Poole (on Cloud Native Java), Gayathri Thiyagarajan (on Domain Driven Design in building Distributed Systems) and Jack Shirazi (on Concurrency Data Control Patterns). There will be food, drink and lots of opportunity to chat to fellow engineers who are keen to learn and share.

So why should you spend your Wednesday evening with us? I asked our speakers why people should come see their talk and will they learn.

Gayathri, ‘Microservices are distributed systems and distributed systems are famously difficult to build. In my talk I am going to introduce Domain Driven Design concepts which themselves are older than Microservices but also deep dive into the tools and patterns that DDD provides to make it easier to design and build Microservices.’

Jack, ‘My talk shows you the Java concurrency landscape at all levels (low, medium, high). From the talk you’ll understand why there are different concurrency models, how they are built from the patterns I cover, and exactly how you can reduce the complexity of your concurrency implementation.’

Cloud Native’ is one of those buzzwords we hear all the time but the concepts behind seem to be quite fuzzy. Steve will be sharing the flavors of Cloud Native, what Java devs have to learn (and maybe to unlearn), and why we should care about Cloud Native development. However much experience you have had with Cloud Native Java, this session will leave you thinking differently about it!

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