speakers at conferences Engineering
The Technology Blog
5 min readApr 1, 2019

So far in 2019, many conferences across Europe accepted presentations from our colleagues at Technology. We are so proud of everyone who has had their call for papers successfully accepted! It is a great opportunity for our technologists to share their learnings with the vibrant tech community around Europe.

Some of those speakers have also contributed blog posts to this very publication! Have you read our blogs and thought “I want to know more?” Or “I want to meet the people behind the tech?” Now is your chance….

Here is a full rundown of who from the Tech team is speaking, where they are speaking as well as the topics they will touch.

Speaker: Jonathan Rigby

Conference: The Lead Dev, London 27th-28th June

Talk Title: “How long is a piece of string: the key to solving the conundrum of software estimation.”

What will you learn: Whilst we can use a wide variety of software estimation techniques to help us with this difficult area of software development, the real key to success is building trust with our product teams. I’ve not spoken at a conference before, so I am excited about this opportunity after having spoken internally many times.

Speaker: Gayathri Thiyagarajan

Conference: MuCon, London, 29th-31st May

Talk Title: “Adopting Domain Driven Design at Scale”

What will you learn: Domain Driven Design is much talked about these days particularly with the rise of Microservices, CQRS, Event Based architectures. This talk is about the story of a large scale DDD implementation that went wrong and steps to turn it into a success.

Where you might have seen Gayathri speaking before:

· Devoxx 2016 — Harnessing Domain Driven Design in Distributed Systems

· Devoxx 2017 — Distributing Memory in Mircoservices environment

· DDD Xchange 2018 — Model thinking as a way of working

Speaker: Jack Shirazi

Conference: Devoxx London, 8th — 10th May

Talk Title: “Quickly Analysing A Heap Memory Leak” and a Byte-Size talk “The 10 Common Concurrency Models”.

What will you learn: In this Tools-in-action talk, the Memory Leak analysis will show developers the set of tools to use and the procedure to follow to quickly identify what is causing a memory leak. The Concurrency Models talk will explain why there are all these high-level concurrency models and will help developers understand their options in choosing a model.

Where you might have seen Jack speaking before:

My previous recent talks include “Become A Guru: How To Solve Java Memory Leaks In Under 10 Minutes” and “Don’t Make it a Race: The Four Common Concurrency Control Patterns”, both given at JaxLondon 2018 and Java2Days 2018; “How to analyze the most common performance and memory problems in Java” at Java2Days 2017; and “10,000 Java performance tips over 15 years — what did I learn?” at Devoxx 2017. That last talk has had 25 000 views

Speakers: Elliot West and Pradeep Bhadani

Conferences: Strat Data Conference, London, 29th April — 2nd May and DataWorks, Washington, 20th-23rd May

Talk Title: “Herding Elephants: Seamless Data access in a multi-cluster clouds”

What you will learn: Advantages/Disadvantages of multi-data lake solutions. Enabling data sharing in decentralized data platforms. The virtual data lake: Providing a unified view of data platforms in large organizations.

Speakers: Annarita De Biase and Miro Barsocchi

Conference: Codemotion, Amsterdam, 3rd April

Talk Title: “The story of an unconventional testing solution”

What will you learn: We developed our own test framework and want to share our journey through our experience in developing and using HEAT test framework, an open source project to test REST APIs, not as monkeys.

Speakers: Annarita De Biase and Miro Barsocchi

Conference: Codemotion, Rome, 23th March

Talk title: “How to improve your daily tech work… WITHOUT WORKING”

What will you learn: Do you really think that you can improve your daily tech work only by studying and developing 24/7? Without sleeping, without meeting boys and girls and without having a real ‘not purely nerdish’ life?

Let’s try to think out of the box, the key could be different!

We will climb mountains and make blankets with crochet, we will play piano and fight Federer on a tennis court (ok.. maybe not this…). We will act in comedies and many other things! We’ll show you how to use those kinds of experiences in your tech daily work.. to be tech-cool!!!

Speakers: Angela Distratis and Luca Pelosi

Conference: Codemotion, Rome, 22nd March

Talk Title:Karate”

What will you learn: GraphQL is the alternative to REST in Web API design. Are the existing test frameworks ready for this revolution? This is where Karate comes in handy: an open source test framework, highly expressive, which allows to write tests quickly and in a simple way, reducing the code up to 80%. In this talk we’ll explore the main features of Karate with practical examples, comparing it with the most used testing solution available today.

Speakers: Elliot West and Jay Green-Stevens

Conference: Data Works Summit, Barcelona, March 18th-21st

Talk Title:Mutant Tests Too: The SQL”

What will you learn: The big data platforms of many organisations are underpinned by a technology that is soon to celebrate its 45th birthday: SQL. This industry stalwart is applied in a multitude of critical points in business data flows; the results that these processes generate may significantly influence business and financial decision making. However, the SQL ecosystem has been overlooked and ignored by more recent innovations in the field of software engineering best practices such as fine grained automated testing and code quality metrics. This exposes organisations to poor application maintainability, high bug rates, and ultimately corporate risk.

We present the work we’ve been doing at to address these issues by bringing some advanced software engineering practices and open source tools to the realm of Apache Hive SQL. We first define the relevance of such approaches and demonstrate how automated testing can be applied to Hive SQL using HiveRunner, a JUnit based testing framework. We next consider how best to structure Hive queries to yield meaningful test scenarios that are maintainable and performant. Finally, we demonstrate how test coverage reports can highlight areas of risk in SQL codebases and weaknesses in the testing process. We do this using Mutant Swarm, an open source mutation testing tool for SQL languages developed by that can deliver insights similar to those produced by Java focused tools such as Jacoco and PIT.

Speakers: Neeraj Bhadani

Conferences: Tech(K)now Day, London, 9th March

Talk Title:Data Analysis and Machine Learning using Apache Spark”

What you will learn: Apache Spark is General purpose computing engine which has in-memory computing capabilities. It can be used for variety of workloads like Batch processing, Iterative problems, stream processing etc. It is designed to be highly scalable and provides various APIs like Scala, Python, R, Java and SQL. It can be easily integrated with other BIG Data tools as well. In This workshop we will cover following topics: Spark CORE (RDDs), Spark SQL (DataFrames) and Spark ML.

If you attend one of these conferences make sure you check out these talks and we would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below 😊

