HotFlashes Do Not Define Us

But They Are A Power We Can Claim

Dakota Duncan
2 min readJul 30, 2019


Welcome to HotFlash. This publication started as a way for me to process and share the roller coaster ride that embodies life for those of us nearing or in the midst of menopause. I liked the concept of a hot flash not simply being an uncomfortable annoyance that disrupts our days and nights, but also one of energy and power. (How cool would it be to harness all that energy so you could shoot it from your hands and ignite things! Think Emma and Regina in Once Upon a Time! )

We are more than our hormones though, even when they insist they are the ones in charge. This stage of life is also about other transitions — changing family roles as our children grow up and our parents grow old, reevaluating priorities in careers, hobbies, and friendships, and discovering who we truly are once we shed some of our previous roles. It’s about finding what is truly important as we consider leaving the values and expectations of others behind as we enter our wiser years.

I don’t expect to write much about menopause anymore, though there are quite a few articles here that I hope are still useful. Instead, I will write about the things that are important to me as a woman in her mid-50’s — life lessons, travel, creativity, and animals.

I don’t want to be defined by my age, but I will embrace it as I explore what this phase of life can mean for me. There is power and wisdom that comes from living for half a century. (Which my 16-year-old daughter recently pointed out. Thanks, kiddo!) Please join me in sharing that wisdom and claiming that power.

HotFlash — Don’t just smolder — ignite!


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Dakota Duncan

I’m an animal lover, author, and artist. I love learning about small but amazing creatures. See Captivating Creatures