Unexpected Lessons from a Wine Tour

What I Learned May Help You Enjoy the Perfect Trip

Dakota Duncan


Photo by Author.

“Do you prefer reds or whites?” asked the enthusiastic server once she had our group of ten seated under a spacious canopy to protect us from the sun.

“Yes,” I said. She probably expected me to specify. I prefer bold reds and my wife prefers sweet whites. We generally share tastings, especially if we are on an all-day tour. On a recent trip though, my wife had been under extreme stress and her instinct was not to share. (“Joey doesn’t share!” Name that episode.) That was our first mistake.

Group wine trips can be wonderful experiences. They are also fraught with landmines with the potential to blow up everyone’s good time. I’m going to attempt to extract some useful lessons from an alcohol-infused weekend to make sure your trip of wining doesn’t leave you whining.

The Obvious

I’m going to get to the good stuff soon, but first, let’s dispense with the obvious things that if you screw up, you probably shouldn’t be on a wine trip at all. Instead, start smaller, like a Coke tasting tour around your hometown to find out which fast food restaurant has the best Coke on tap. (It’s McDonald’s. No matter where you are. It’s McDonald’s. Here’s why, if you want to know.)



Dakota Duncan

I’m an animal lover, author, and artist. I love learning about small but amazing creatures. See Captivating Creatures https://captivatingcreatures.substack.com.