Travel With Time, Not Money

Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2017

It’s hard to negate the fact that we depend so greatly on money. But for the sake of flirting with the idea that you could possibly achieve things in this world without it, I implore you to consider the following — Let us imagine for a moment that money isn’t an object. It isn’t relevant and it isn’t needed for where we are going. You can’t earn it, and you can’t spend it. How would you travel? My recommendation would be to travel with time, not money.

In order to do this, you would need to offer your services in exchange for something right?

Now because money is obviously so very prevalent in our society, let’s look at this another way. You do have money. You can make it and you can spend it. So why is it stopping you from travelling? If you’re worried about running out of money why not spend your time instead? Essentially that’s how you make money right? An exchange of your time for a monetary value? So in this case, why not offer your time?

How to travel with time, not money?

You’ll find that when you begin to travel and you’re not affected by time, that you will literally have all these opportunities present themselves to you. Opportunities which you’ve never even considered. And the great thing is, that these opportunities won’t necessarily require money — just time.

For example, when I was going through South America I packed practically my whole life into my backpack, and within it there wasn’t a lot of money. I did however, have an amount of time which saw no limits. Besides feeling completely free, this realisation brought me a lot of other gifts. I felt richer than ever. In Bolivia, I spent 4 weeks volunteering at the reception desk of a language school and in return they provided me with food and a hostel to stay at. In Peru I volunteered in my hostel’s bar (Kokopelli Hostel) and it was the same thing — I was paid in accomodation and food.

(My wonderful friend and I ‘working’ in Kokopelli Hostel)

Even if you want to have the opportunity to make money, you can definitely do that also! But approaching it with patience always helps. When I went to Colombia I actually gave some private English lessons and they also gave me food (as well a small amount of pay). I also worked in a cafe (El Búho Café) because I had the time to and I wanted to experience more of the culture.

Honestly through, travelling with more time than money will give you the priceless opportunity to completely experience a culture and it’ll allow you to fully immerse yourself in its beauty.

What to remember?

Now continuing with this idea to travel with time, not money, the next time the thought of money comes into your head when you have those desires to travel, just think. If money is really the only factor holding you back, then you have NOTHING holding you back. Get any menial job wherever you are, save, buy that plane ticket and then the rest is up to you. You only have your time to spend — and depending on where you are in life, that could be a lot! So remember, as long as you go with time, you are literally unrestricted.

(Getting lost in the clouds of Samaipata, Bolivia)

If you’ve got enough time, you could even create your own travel blog or life blog, and spread it around with the people you meet. With enough work this could one day be your means of funding your travels! Click here to see my blog I wrote on starting up your own one! Hopefully this helps push you over the line when you next go to buy your ticket outta here! Just always keep in mind, travel with time, not money and you’ll be sure to get the most out of your next adventure.

If not travel, what, and if not now, when?

