America Trump’D. Photo credit, Matthew Lawler

Heat Rises: America Trump’d with Inauguration of

We would like to congratulate Donald J. Trump on his surprising and dramatic ascent to the White House, as the 45th president of the United States! We have been paradoxically entertained, insulted, enraged, baffled, and embarrassed as a nation by his antics. Many of us have also had some of our most cherished beliefs challenged (Is God really in control of this situation?).


The moment is so very ripe for us to go public with this news channel, in parallel with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States. Donald has blown more hot air into the media narrative than any figure in history, incarnating before us a truth often forgotten: heat rises. How did we forget this? We will forget no more. Donald’s hot wind blew him all the way to the top spot in the land, and you can bet we’ll be covering the story, surfacing the truth behind the wind. Whether you are a Trump supporter or hater, we exist to serve you the truthiest news our investigative reporters can surface. Our method is to look for smoke…signs of the boldest lies and loftiest claims, that may yet bear out a truth lurking underneath. Then, we lift the truth high above our heads, for all to see.

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” —George Orwell

Make no mistake, our are scope is not limited to Trump watching. In fact, a great bit of our allegorical focus will find it’s beam on the shadow looming over him. The world has reached unprecedented levels of hot air, steaming from the lips of countless political and entertainment influencers. And to that end, it is the perspective of this news organization that the line between Politics and Entertainment has gone FUBAR. Samo for the line between reality and fiction. It has become a near impossible feat for the lay-man to decipher what is real from what is not….what is pure wind from what is substance.

But YES WE CAN. That is what we do at We will extract the truth from the wind, mold the truth into short & digestible bits, color in certain important details with prolific haste, and let you have your own way with it. With that said, I have one disclaimer; quite often the only way to drive truth into a camp is with the trojan horse of fiction—or more potently, allegory. We hope you will permit, and indeed savor our use of fictional allegory in the service of truth ; )

We hope you’ll join us in hot pursuit of the truthiest news on this planet and beyond. Our HotAir exists in a great and plentiful multiverse (as science is now hinting at—we’ll report on that, too), and we will stop at no ends to exploit the truth lain within it.

And finally, it is worth shining a light on what makes this news organization possible: Humor. Without it, we would simply be crying at the world’s perils instead of laughing. My wife and chief supporter, Brooke Lawler, is a light of inspiration in that department.

Thank you for reading : ) We hope that you have enjoyed this inaugural edition of, and will help us by continuing to fan the heat!




Matthew is an artist and creative rethinking everything. He is cofounder of Behere — where the future of work and education meet.