Investigation into Trump Inauguration Scandal

Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2017
Hot Leaks correspondent, Omar, investigates Trump Inauguration Ceremony shenanigans.

Boy do we have a Hot Leak for you today! It’s now 3 weeks in to this Trump presidency, and it’s certainly been a hot topic in America, with Trump getting off to the races with some racism campaigns — with a cock block on immigrants from coming into the country, and setting out to build an utterly massive wall.

Today, we’ve uncovered a story the others have missed! Our own Celebrity Tech Guru, Omar, has provided us with an initial investigation into some very cheeky shenanigans during the Trump swearing ceremony. It turns out, we’re not entirely sure what Trump has sworn into, with the Holy Bible turning out not to be what it’s been bloated as. With all the noise on the left and the right media just going juggernauts against each other, it’s sad to see something like this slip through until now.

Omar breaks it down!

Much more to come on this story. As noted in the video, Omar will be looking into the implications of the ‘Ony-Crayass-Otherhood-Brah’ booklet masquerading as the bible. Stay tuned at !

Thanks so much for tuning in!



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Editor at HotLeaks, exposing the truthiest news! Also, constantly frothing for gnarly surf!