Avebury-Step Back in Time to the Neolithic Period

History comes alive in a field in Southern England

Aslynn Roe 🐈
Hotspot Travellers
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2024


A postcard with four pictures of Avebury in England.
Photo of a postcard by author

A recent story by Jes Kerzen shared her experiences at Avebury in southern England and I was reminded of my time there. My daughter’s eighth-grade band played in England and Wales as a music-based hello from America. I was a chaperone. It was the travel opportunity of a lifetime, with lots of eighth graders!

One of the places we visited is Avebury, a huge rock henge resembling a clock. Avebury is located twenty-five miles north of Stonehenge and it is larger than Stonehenge.

The mystery of Avebury is best described here:

“Avebury henge and stone circles are one of the greatest marvels of prehistoric Britain. Built and much altered during the Neolithic period, roughly between 2850 BC and 2200 BC, the henge survives as a huge circular bank and ditch, encircling an area that includes part of Avebury village. Within the henge is the largest stone circle in Britain — originally of about 100 stones — which in…



Aslynn Roe 🐈
Hotspot Travellers

I am a listener of culture, history, media, and politics. Follow me, and we will go somewhere. Finding out where is half the fun!