Don’t Forget About Non-Billable Time

Shannon England
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

To Begin…

When you utilise time tracking software, you’re ensuring that you maximise billable hours. Without tracking time, you often think that everything you’re doing is going towards billable hours, but little did you know that there is a whole lot of non-billable hours in your life. It’s easy to forget about non-billable hours but they sure do add-up.

What are non-billable hours? Well, they are everything we don’t charge the client for. For example non-billable time is:

  • Emails
  • Internal projects
  • Invoices
  • New business ideas
  • Proposals
  • Client research
  • Networking
  • Entertaining clients
  • Administrative work
  • Employee development and training
  • Meetings
  • And the list goes on and on.

If you’re utilising a good time tracking platform you can easily see billable and non-billable time front and centre. Often this can also be broken down by client, projects and people. Which means you can determine if you need to complete more billable work or if certain projects or clients are costing you more than you are making from them.

In the end…

There are so many reasons why you should be tracking your non-billable time. But often, businesses don’t focus on tracking non-billable time because it’s not being billed.

The irony of it is that by not tracking non-billable time it can’t really be known how much time you’re spending on unimportant projects or if a certain process is really slowing down your week.

By understanding and acknowledging what tracking non-billable time can offer you, your businesses will become more profitable, sustainable, productive, and efficient.

If you’re interested in making smarter, better decisions — why not check out Hourly? It’s free for 30 days!

