How To Find Your Most Productive Time

Shannon England
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2019
Photo by Kaylah Otto on Unsplash

You always hear about

‘the best time’

For example

  • The best time to exercise
  • The best time to post social media pictures
  • The best time to eat
  • Mornings are more productive
  • Evenings are best for planning and thinking

Well, there’s also ‘your best time’ or your most productive time. This is the time you thrive at work. It’s kind of like finding out if you are a night owl or morning person. Of course, not everyone is the same. Every person has a time in which they are most productive.

This time is important as it’s when you get work done in the most proficient way you can. Knowing when your most productive time is means you can plan and utilise this time, so it’s time well spent.

For example, you may find that in your most productive time is when you are taking lunch or scheduling boring meetings — when really you should be getting that nitty gritty work in.

Pro Tip: track your time to find out your most productive time of the day. During this time, schedule your hardest tasks. This means that not only will you get things done faster but more efficiently. Want to know your most productive time? Start tracking your time with Hourly? It’s free for 30 days.

