Weekly Haiku Prompt

Gentle Joy

Haiku/tanka prompt “gentle”

Brett Christensen
3 min readSep 26, 2020


Chop stir and sizzle
Aromas permeate home
Spreading gentle joy

We have a bumper crop of cherry tomatoes this year, so, this afternoon, I picked all the ripest ones and cooked up tomato soup.

Throw your tomatoes, a chopped onion, a shallot, some crushed garlic, and some water into a big pot and cook until everything is good and soft. Add some fresh basil from the garden, a pinch of salt, and cook for another minute or so.

Let it cool down a bit, then blend until smooth. Serve with pepper and some greens as a garnish. Maybe some crusty bread to bulk it out a bit.

Very simple and very yummy. And, oh, those lovely aromas as you cook!

Cooking (and eating) good healthy food is one of life’s simple joys.

© Brett M. Christensen — 2020

PROMPT: Write a haiku or tanka using the prompt word “gentle” (or a derivative).

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Brett Christensen

I enjoy writing, exploring new tech, and I’m passionate about learning new things.