Lip to Lip (Mouth to Mouth)

May 18th, 2019, Haiku/Tanka prompt “mouth”

Deborah Christensen
2 min readMay 17, 2019

Blindly milk teat grasp

sweet mother’s nectar suckle

as naked infants

our mouths open wide for you -

as adults, we still seek skin

PROMPT: Write a haiku/tanka using the weekly prompt word “mouth” (or a derivative).

Haiku is a form of poetry usually inspired by nature (or the human condition) which embraces simplicity. It is composed of 17 syllables in three lines (5, 7, 5).

A tanka is composed of 31 syllables in three lines (5, 7, 5, 7, 7).

My tanka prompt this week was inspired by my grandson aged 18 weeks. At birth, we are all completely dependant on an adult for survival and the “rooting” reflex where a newborn opens its mouth and seeks its mother’s breast is instinctual. Our mouths are our first way of exploring the world and continue to be so for months. My grandson is at the stage where everything gets put into his mouth (including giving big wet open mouthed slobbery kisses).

As adults, our attachment needs are no less primal and seeking skin to skin contact for comfort is still something most humans automatically crave as well as the intensely intimate act of “kissing” where by means of mouth contact with another we explore, connect and on a biological basis form intense bonds.

The word “mouth” (and derivatives) does not automatically assume all haiku/tankas will relate to our literal mouth but it is a starting point.

Have fun with this week’s prompt word!



Deborah Christensen

Artist, Poet, Writer, Loving all things meditation and energy