Open Your Eyes And “See”

6 November 2019 Haiku/Tanka prompt “blind”

Deborah Christensen
2 min readNov 5, 2019
Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

sometimes we are blind
to the everyday beauty
lost in familiar

The concept of becoming blind to the beauty of that which commonly surrounds us and which we are familiar with is not new.

However, we also can lose ourselves and our sense of place within the familiar, as we may feel like we become part of one big machine of motion and activity that is often repetitive.

Stopping to orient ourselves, and actually “look” and see what is surrounding us, can bring us a sense of grounding, and we can focus our attention on things which once we see them, become obvious.

For example, in the picture above, we can see the hibiscus flower blooming so beautifully in the middle of the inner city, and the light dappling across the pavers indicating a possible tree nearby.

So, next time you are rushing through somewhere on foot, stop for a moment and take 30 seconds or a minute, to just look, at what is at your feet, to each side, above, in front of, and behind you.

Increase your awareness of YOU, in this space, at this time, and take it all in. Spots of beauty can be found even in ugliness.



Deborah Christensen

Artist, Poet, Writer, Loving all things meditation and energy