A Haiku

The New Painter in Northern India

Hazardous Air Quality in Delhi NCR

Poetry by Tapan Avasthi
2 min readNov 4, 2019
Sumitmpsd [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The haze is painting —
Our roof isn’t blue anymore
Dim and gloomy rooms

Tapan Avasthi 2019
Gurgaon, India

Author’s note:

Northern India is seeing life-threatening degradation in air quality over the last ten days. The outside view is disheartening and at the same time, damaging. Breathing is our right to live, but it is becoming stressful day by day:

The government has taken a few steps to provide relief to the people living in these states. In this time of public health emergency, people are advised to comply with a few dos and don’ts:

My perspective is that, although these guidelines will help a bit, however, the real relief can be brought only by rain. As per the weather forecast, there is a good chance of rain this Friday. Until then, we sit tight with masks and air purifiers on our sides.

Read more by me to know our tragic situation:



Poetry by Tapan Avasthi

Poetry and prose about life from the lens of an engineer. Buy me a coffee — https://www.buymeacoffee.com/9saLdZFW1 💗POM-poet!💗