The Earth is a House of One People
Planet earth is home to countless species of animals and plants. But when it comes to the human species, the earth is a house of one people — whether we like it or not, whether we choose to recognize this reality. Despite all our many ethnic groups, nations, and religions, despite our conflicts and hatreds, despite our seemingly vast class differences, despite our political partisan battles, we still cannot deny or escape the reality of all that unites us — our common humanity, and intimate connection with each other.
Genetics show that everyone on the planet has common ancestry. On our mother’s side, DNA evidence shows that we all are descendants of the same woman in Africa many thousands of years ago. We are all related, and thus are quite literally a family. Moreover we are a family sharing the same earthly home, drinking its water, breathing air from the same atmosphere, growing food for each other, and making stuff that others use. Despite many international conflicts, as well as unfortunate battles between economic classes, our global economy is more and more closely interwoven, and it seems clear that maximum well-being for everyone results from an economy and a society that benefits everyone. The fact is that we depend on each other, and there is no escaping how interconnected we are. This not some kind of idealistic fairy tale; we are a family, sharing one planet. No matter how much we ignore or deny this by acting as if we are totally separate from each other, we cannot make this basic reality untrue. In the words of a classic children’s song by Ruth Pelham:
We’re all a family under one sky, a family under one sky. We’re all a family under one sky, a family under one sky.
Like all families we have our conflicts and problems to resolve. Perhaps that sounds like an understatement. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the size and complexity of our problems and conflicts. Nonetheless, I do not believe we have any other viable choice than making it our priority to resolve our current conflicts, and heal the wounds of the past. Like any family we are all going to better off by learning to treat each other kindly, and to work together. Our self-interest is best served by acting for the benefit of all. The benefit of all includes the benefit of ourselves. If we want a livable planet in the long term, I cannot see any other way.
Welcome to the House of One People.