40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 31

IHOP_Alabaster USA
House of Prayer
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2015

“But it shall not come near you.” Psalm 91:7b


A unique day — a day that is not the norm, comes upon you.

Clouds may form, clear skies may prevail — but within you, God has need. Your heart responds to His Call on your life — to go to places that you have not gone to before, to be bold for His Kingdom.

Anxiousness cannot be a part of your day — the confidence, spoken into your life years before as Words of His Spirit, now have grown and matured. The Kingdom’s Wisdom is part of your structure, it has woven itself into the fibre of your being.

Each step you take, the enemy flees.

Your heart beats with the rhythm of Heaven — and clarity of eyesight and speech are yours. Your testimony was bought by His Blood on the Cross — and many multitudes will be saved, when they hear your words.

But they cannot be saved, unless they are called.

In years past, the Lord has whispered incredible Kingdom Secrets into your ear — that have seated themselves within you and have now grown into maturity.

There is a break through anointing on you — your hands and feet — as well as your tongue and heart.

Captives will be set free — based on the promises of God, to redeem those that are in darkness.

The lost sons and daughters wait for you today — they are up ahead, and you will not miss them. For they wait now, instead of running away from the Lord. For the evil they once feared, has now been pushed away.

Their intimidation does not work any longer, because Truth has arrived in their hearts and they heard, “His Word Whispered in their ears.” And that this former evil, “will not come near them.” Even sickness has lost its power to condemn and they walk in good health.

The Love of God — His Forgiveness through His Son Jesus — the Breath of Heaven poured out by Holy Spirit — has drawn near in this moment.

Speak son of man — share that testimony that has been bound up inside of you waiting for this moment, waiting for divine appointments — it is upon you. An impartation will come — as you breathe upon the lost today.

Breath is Life — and His Word is released.

