A Parent’s Prayer

IHOP_Alabaster USA
House of Prayer
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2014


“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.”
Proverbs 1:8–9


Last night, my wife and I shared with each other, how much we miss our parents — that are no longer with us. There was something in the conversation, about the parental prayer covering that seemed absent — both of us acknowledging that something that had been, was no longer.

In retrospect — it isn’t gone; but we have engaged it — within ourselves. The prayers that our parents taught us, now flow from our lips — the heart for God, now beats within our chest — and His Breath has deepened in us, due to our parents and their prayers.

My mother used to sing — and I am sure she still does, and its impact is even more powerful than the worship here on earth. Her words now are heard along with the Elders casting their crowns at the feet of Jesus. As the Words “Holy Holy Holy” flow, my mother’s voice has become a part.

And here we are — on earth, knowing someday — we will depart this fleshly body. But, while we are here, we will pray — for our children and our neighbor’s children, and our world’s children.

We will lift up our voice and worship our God — that has been taught to us by our parents — and respecting the Faith our our fathers. Now, God always does a new thing, and it was the foundational Truth laid in us by parents and others, that allows us to build and expand — and as Jesus said, “Greater things, will you do.”

The Lord is my Life and my Salvation.

His Heart as the ultimate Father and Shepherd — is the Great Intercessor — that prays night and day for us.

We have this grand mystery — that He is Father, Bridegroom, Friend — and He is God.

While we still breathe and walk this earth — we will pray — and we will worship. The Dwelling Place — that place of safety — we place over our children and our neighbor’s children. We pray for the lost and the sick — and the dead, that they might still live.

It is in our DNA, woven in by Holy Spirit — and He is our Inheritance and we must leave a Legacy. This Will of God is to Love Him with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind. And to love our neighbor as ourself.

When the question was asked, “Who is my neighbor?”

The answer was simple, just “open your eyes.”

Christ is in you — and your eyes are now His. See what He Sees.

My earthly father did instruct me and my mother gave me the law. And even those, that did not have parents to teach them these things — the Father in Heaven sends HIs Goodness and Mercy to follow you day and night. They have a message for you.

Pray (talk) to God — Sing songs even though you may not know the words, to Him. And He will instruct you and He will provide the Law, which He has fulfilled.

He is the Stronghold of your life — whom shall you fear.

He is the Ever Present Help in time of need.

He sings over you — and it is Love.

A Father’s Love . . .

