On the road to Pentecost — Day 2

IHOP_Alabaster USA
House of Prayer
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2014


On the road to Pentecost — Day 2

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” Romans 1:20

“He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.” John 20:20


We are “without excuse.”

Our flesh chafes at the Presence of the King — His Glory is undeniable and our hearts are changed.

We are consumed, and our hunger grows.

We need things of the Kingdom of Heaven — we yearn for Righteousness — wanting to touch the Hem of His Garment. And the flesh that anchors us to a world dying in sin, is consumed.

He is always present in our lives — though at times, He appears afar off. Our path is laid out before us, and we are supported by a Lamp at our feet — so that we will not stumble, but have excellent footing.

Our foothold on this journey — is characteristic of a child who has tasted something sweet, and we demand more. We look for that next step that will take us closer to the sweet taste of the Lord. This Bread of Life, where even the aroma — drives us onward.

Worship is like that — He inhabits our Praise, and we draw nearer. The more we worship, the more — the evidence grows of His Presence. Our eyes are opened; we hear more clearer than ever before.

And the Words that we speak, are not our own — but the Holy Spirit within us.

Revelation of His Spirit comes stronger — the Words from His Mouth are heard over every din of man. And we become effective in our intercession — our groans, more powerful in the Kingdom of God — even though once, we were weak.

There is a City up ahead — it is the region of the Great King. We are going there — to pour out our lives before Him.

Eyes will be opened and there will be no turning back.

Hunger explodes with every step.

