Week 2

House of the Ryzen Sun
2 min readMar 7, 2017

I’m stable (I promise)

This week has been mostly stability testing, some benchmarking, and a lot of getting used to a new cpu. As AMD has built a completely architecture with Zen, I was particularly interested in how it performs. Have built using an air cooler for this, less things to worry about with the testing. Early Firestrike scores are promising, however there are some bugs (some bios, some Windows) that need ironing out before it will be running to full potential. That said, lets have some pictures of it in action!

Having waited for so long for the Zen arch to be available, having it in my hands is nothing short of magical
Ready for first boot
And she’s alive!
That’s a healthy score for first run

Am currently waiting on my case to arrive, and a whole bunch of boxes of tools and supplies to start on sleeving some cables. Hopefully I won’t be waiting too long, have started to learn Sketchup in the meantime to toy with some ideas.

More next time..



House of the Ryzen Sun

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