How to Find an Affordable Painter in Jacksonville FL

Painter Reviews
House Painter Reviews
5 min readOct 17, 2018

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Affordable Painter Jacksonville Florida

If you are looking to find the best Jacksonville Florida Painting Contractors — you are off to a good start…

When it comes to home improvement, new paint is a great form of sweat equity. Thus, a licensed and skilled professional can help you gain marked increases in both the aesthetic appeal and the overall value of your home. The following are several important features to consider in your search for affordable painting service in Jacksonville Florida.

Licensing and Insurance

It is vital to work with licensed and legitimate companies that have adequate insurance for protecting both your interests and their own. Although painting might not seem like a dangerous job or one that could result in significant property damage, there is a lot that can go wrong during these projects.

Property damages that are incurred as the result of hiring unlicensed and uninsured professionals will not be covered by your own home insurance policy. Moreover, your insurer may even opt to void your policy upon discovering that such a high-risk hiring decision has been made. It is also important to note that you could be held legally and financially liable for any physical harm that a painter sustains on your property if this professional is not in possession of general liability insurance.

For these and other reasons, it is best to start the hiring process by searching for local painting contractors with verifiable licensing and insurance. Legitimate companies often list their licensing information on all of their marketing materials, including their professional websites. You should check this information against any records that are held by licensing bodies in order to ensure that professional licenses remain both valid and current. While insurance information may be posted directly on the website of a provider, you will need to contact the insurance company directly in order to ensure that a policy is valid and that coverage has not lapsed due to non-payment or other issues.

Supply Companies

Many homeowners attempt to save money by securing all project materials on their own. In most instances, however, it is often much cheaper and easier to obtain these goods through the company that will be performing the work. This ensures that all satisfaction agreements remain in tact. Many providers will not guarantee work that has been performed with materials they have not secured.

Local painting companies in Jacksonville FL, also have a better ability to determine the proper materials specifications for these jobs. Thus, you should learn all about the suppliers that painters are using. Established painting companies in Jacksonville often maintain strong relationships with a number of reputable supply businesses. This significantly limits the likelihood of materials-related project delays.

Project Contracts and Satisfaction Guarantees

When searching for affordable house painters, Jacksonville residents should always look for companies that are willing to back up the work that they perform. These entities issue comprehensive contracts for all projects that include a breakdown of materials along with product specifications and prices, labor and labor charges, customer guarantees and the terms for warranty repairs. Should the results produced by these companies fail to meet the expectations of their clients, homeowners can refer to their work contracts for a sure form of recourse.

Artistry and Skill

It is also important to consider the artistry and skill of the painters Jacksonville locals can hire. This can be done by reviewing a company’s past projects in-person or online. Many professionals maintain large galleries that display their former work along with detailed customer reviews.

If you want to talk with an affordable painting company in Jacksonville, contact Affordable Painter Jacksonville.

Common Questions About Painting Contractors


Are the Workers on My Project Employees or Subcontractors?


Many painting contractors will use subcontractors instead of hiring employees because it will lower their costs. Subcontractors are typically paid a flat fee, and the contractor also does not have to pay for social security taxes and employee benefits. However, you put yourself at risk when you hire a contractor who uses subcontractors.


How Long is a Warranty and What Does it Cover?


If you hire a contractor for a painting job, you’ll want some assurances in the form of guarantees or warranties. Knowing the importance of warranties, some companies even give unrealistically long warranties such as 10 years, 20 years or even lifetime warranties. The sad fact is that most of these companies will be out of business long before their warranties expire.

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