Chairman Nadler Floor Statement for Resolution Appointing House Managers for the Impeachment Trial of President Trump

House Judiciary Dems
House Committee on the Judiciary
2 min readJan 15, 2020

Washington, D.C. –Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) delivered the following remarks, as prepared, on the House floor in support of H.Res. 798, a resolution appointing and authorizing managers for the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump:

“Madam Speaker, the resolution before us today appoints managers to prosecute the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump.

“This trial is necessary because President Trump gravely abused the power of his office when he strong-armed a foreign government to announce investigations into his domestic political rival. He betrayed our country when he used the powers of his office — including withholding vital U.S. military assistance — to pressure that government to help him win re-election.

“He invited foreign interference into our elections — again. He jeopardized our national security. He did it all for his personal, political gain. And then he violated the Constitution by stonewalling Congress’s efforts to investigate, ordering an absolute blockade of evidence.

“Despite that, the House was able to uncover powerful evidence that demonstrates beyond doubt the President’s betrayal and violations of the Constitution.

“But we still have not heard the whole truth, because the President has refused to allow a single document to be turned over to the House in response to our impeachment subpoenas. And he has prevented us from hearing key witnesses as well.

“Our Speaker has led our fight for a fair trial in the Senate. Above all, a fair trial must include additional documents and relevant witnesses. The American people have common sense. They know that any trial that does not allow witnesses is not a trial. It is a cover-up.

“The Speaker’s insistence on this point has gotten results. Just yesterday, we received critical new evidence from the President’s former associate, Lev Parnas, that further proves Mr. Trump’s scheme to pressure Ukraine to go after his political opponents.

“New witness testimony has become available as well, including John Bolton’s announcement that he would honor a Senate subpoena.

“Under today’s resolution, the managers also have broad authority to submit to the Senate any additional evidence the House may acquire on its own, and we will do so.

“Today’s resolution is the next step in this serious and solemn Constitutional process. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on the resolution.”



House Judiciary Dems
House Committee on the Judiciary

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