7 Tips on How to Look After Houseplants in the Autumn

Paula Kemp
Houseplant Crazy
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2023
Photo by Huy Phan on Unsplash

As the days get shorter and the weather starts to cool down, it’s important to remember to look after your houseplants. Just because summer is over doesn’t mean you can neglect your plants!

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This blog post will give tips on keeping your plants healthy and happy in the autumn months. Keep reading for more information on how to look after houseplants in the Autumn.

How To Look After Houseplants In The Autumn

1: Make Sure Your Plants Are In A Sunny Spot.

One of the most important things to consider when planting is how much sun exposure your plants will get.

Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis, which allows plants to convert sunlight into energy. Without enough sunlight, plants will become spindly and weak and eventually die.

While some plants thrive in shady areas, most plants prefer at least six hours of bright indirect sunlight daily.

Look at the leaves if you need to figure out how much sun your plants are getting. If they’re pale or yellowing, it’s a sign that they’re not getting enough light.

If you notice this happening, try moving your plants to a sunnier spot or use a grow light.

2: Watering Plants In The Autumn: Water Them Regularly, But Don’t Overwater Them.

One of the most important things you can do for your plants in the Autumn is to water them regularly. However, it is also important to water them effectively.

Plants need less water in the cooler months, and too much water can damage their roots. Watering your plants early in the day will allow them to absorb the water before the temperature drops at night.

Overwatering is one of the gardeners’ most common mistakes, so be sure to monitor your watering carefully in the autumn months. If you water them late in the day, the water will evaporate before it has a chance to reach the roots.

Also, be sure to check the soil before watering. If it is already moist, your plant doesn’t need more water.

3: Feeding Plants In The Autumn.

As the leaves begin to change colour and the days grow shorter, it’s essential to continue to care for your plants.

One of the most important things you can do for them is to keep them fed.

While you may think that plants don’t need much food in the Autumn, in fact, this is a critical time for them to replenish their stores of nutrients.

During the growing season, plants use a lot of energy to produce foliage, flowers, and fruits. They need to fill their reserves in Autumn to survive the winter months.

An excellent way to do this is to apply a slow-release fertilizer in late Autumn.

This will give them the nutrients they need to get through the winter and prepare for a strong start in the spring.

4: Pruning Houseplants In The Autumn.

As the days grow shorter and the weather cooler, you may be tempted to neglect your houseplants.

However, Autumn is an ideal time to give them extra attention. One crucial task is pruning. Trimming dead or damaged leaves and stems can encourage your plant to produce new growth in the spring.

This will also help keep it looking its best during winter.

In addition, pruning can also help to prevent pests and diseases from taking hold.

So, even though it may be tempting to neglect your plants as the days grow shorter, a little extra care in the Autumn can go a long way towards keeping them healthy and happy all year round.

5: Inspect Your Houseplants For Any Pests Or Diseases In The Autumn.

Autumn is a great time to take stock of your houseplants and ensure they are healthy and happy.

Start by inspecting them for any pests or diseases. Look for signs of insects, such as spider mites or fungus gnats, and be on the lookout for evidence of diseases, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth. I have written a blog post on getting rid of fungus gnats that you will find helpful if you suffer from these pests.

If you find any problems, isolate the affected plant and treat it accordingly.

Fungus Gnats stuck to sticky trap

6: Repot Only If Necessary In Autumn.

As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, many gardeners begin to think about repotting their plants. After all, it’s an excellent opportunity to give them a fresh start with some new soil.

However, it’s important to remember that repotting should only be done if necessary. Over-potting does more harm than good, leading to root damage and plant stress.

So before you grab your gardening gloves, ensure your plant needs to be repotted.

If the roots are filling the pot or the plant is wilting regularly, it’s probably time for a new home. Otherwise, it’s best to leave well enough alone. I wrote an article about repotting your plant if you need help with it.

7: Move Your Houseplants To A Warmer Spot As The Weather Cools.

As the weather starts to cool down, many homeowners begin to prepare their homes for winter.

One crucial task is to move houseplants indoors to a warmer spot in the house.

While some plants can tolerate a bit of chilly weather, most prefer a consistent temperature range and will suffer if exposed to too much cold.

Like people, plants can be sensitive to drafts, so it’s best to avoid placing them near windows or doors that let in a lot of cold air.

Another thing to keep in mind is that drafts can cause the leaves of your plants to dry out, so ensure they have access to a reliable source of humidity, such as a humidifier or pebble tray.


Q: Do House Plants Drop Leaves In Autumn?

Many people think house plants drop their leaves in Autumn because they are preparing for winter. However, the reality is a bit more complicated.

While some house plants go dormant in the winter, most simply adjust their growth rate in response to changes in light and temperature.

As the days grow shorter and the weather cools down, many house plants will stop producing new leaves and instead focus on storing energy.

As a result, it’s common for older leaves to turn yellow and drop off during this time of year.

So, while it may look like your house plant is getting ready for winter, it’s actually just taking a break from all the growing it did during the summer.

Q: Should You Leave Fallen Leaves On The Soil?

As Autumn progresses, more and more leaves end up on the lawn. And while it’s tempting to let them sit there, removing them from the soil is better.

Leaves can block sunlight and prevent air circulation. They can also harbour pests and diseases that can damage your houseplant. To keep your houseplants looking their best, it’s essential to remove the fallen leaves regularly.

Q: Should You Cut Brown Leaves Off Indoor Plants?

Brown leaves on indoor plants are often a sign of stress. The plant may be too dry, too wet, or need more light.

However, simply cutting off the brown leaves will not fix the underlying problem. In fact, it can actually do more harm than good. When you cut off a leaf, the plant loses valuable energy that could be used to heal itself.

In some cases, you may also damage the stem, which can further hamper the plant’s ability to recover. So if you see some brown leaves on your indoor plants, don’t reach for the pruning shears just yet.

Try to determine the cause of the problem and take steps to address it. Only then should you trim away the damaged leaves.

And Finally…

Autumn is a great time to get your plants in order before the cold weather sets in. Please make sure they are in a sunny spot and water them regularly but don’t overwater them.

Feeding plants during the Autumn helps them store energy for the winter. Prune your houseplants as needed and inspect them for any pests or diseases.

Finally, move your houseplants to a warmer spot in the house as the weather starts to cool down.

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*Originally published on HouseplantCrazy.com



Paula Kemp
Houseplant Crazy

Sharing my houseplant experience, so you can be a better plant parent | creator of houseplantcrazy.com