A Game of Love/Hate with Chicago Indie Pop Sensation Sports Boyfriend

Including Sports Boyfriend’s newest single and photos by Kristina Pedersen

Lee Costanza
houseshow magazine


We asked Eileen Peltier, aka the goth-pop all-star Sports Boyfriend, to play a round of Love/Hate with us to inaugurate the dropping of her newest single and also because we wanted to know how she felt about everything from Super PACs to skateboarding.

  1. Destination Weddings / Love
    love crying, love drinking, love telling secrets to my family,
    love screaming at the DJ to play “Call Me Maybe”
  2. Owen Wilson / Hate
  3. Making Out / Hate
    confused by structure & worried about long-lasting consequences
  4. Super PACs / Hate
    (see making out)
  5. Air quotes / “Love”
    but actually I air quote a lot and it’s a not great habit that I have
  6. GMOs / Love
    I think a lot of GMOs are misunderstood but some of them are obviously more concerning than others — but I also really like ugly produce advocacy that’s like a pretty chill thing.
  7. Steph Curry / Love
    shoutout k8 ursu for telling me who that was
  8. Home birth / Hate
    Leave some things to the experts I think imo
  9. Sting rays / Love
  10. Friendship / Love
    this is my favorite friendship
    kind of amazing that a grimes song is in this video ?
  11. Nike / Love
    brands forever
    get that brand money
  12. Boyfriends / Love
  13. Kehlani / Love
    wow hi
    remember when she was a nerd
    really passionate about that
  14. Beats By Dre / Love
    bring me to life
  15. Katie Holmes / Love
    love that hustle
  16. Disneyworld / Hate
    everyone is gross there
    disneyland is better
  17. Commitment / Love
    but it’s bad for the brand
    I was destined to always buy coffee in twos tho so commitment is inevitable
    (see pic of katie holmes)
  18. The Tooth Fairy / Hate
    still have not used the Sacagawea dollar coins i got from her
  19. Skateboarding / Love
  20. Cold showers / Hate
  21. Megan Fox / Love
    I love all 10s.
  22. Freedom / Love
    a solid answer
  23. ABC Family / Love

