Liqs, left to right: Esteban Miranda, Nick Van Horn, Sergio Stryker. Photo from their Facebook page.

Liqs: The Dream of the 90s is Alive in Chicago

An interview with the promising young garage pop group about their influences, the scene and more

Katie Ingegneri
houseshow magazine
Published in
22 min readJan 8, 2016


by Katie Ingegneri

Transcription & interview assistance by Taylor Houle & Megan Landre

Photography by John Mourlas (except where noted otherwise)

Get to know Chicago’s own Liqs: guitarist and singer Nick Van Horn, bassist Sergio Stryker, and drummer Esteban Miranda. (Best names ever, right?) You probably don’t know them yet if you live outside of the Chicago scene, but they’re starting to make a name for themselves here in DIY garage rock. But they’re definitely not just “garage rock,” a pretty worn-out descriptor at this point. Defying genre, Liqs are born from the lingering energy of Kurt Cobain’s ghost (and were actually born the year after his death…in 1995!), Sonic Youth’s sprawling improvisational art-noise, distorted layers of percussion and guitar, and the catchiest melodies of postmodern rock and pop music, often through a serious layer of fuzz — a style that works particularly well in the context of the wild shows they play in basements and DIY venues.

These three children of the 90s seem devoted to recreating the decade that spawned them, the decade that imprinted their young brains with a love of screeching guitar feedback and thrift-store sweaters, in an utterly earnest, non-hipster way. The first time I met them, Sergio was wearing a Domino’s jacket, not found at Buffalo Exchange, but from where he used to work in the suburbs. The 90s aesthetic of their approach is one they may grow out of — or become increasingly devoted to. But it’s important to note that while there have been countless 90s imitators, the 90s vibes seem to be much more a part of their general influence than a specific stylistic goal. Liqs represent some potentially perfect fusion of modern indie garage rock with the best of the past — and the future.

Houseshow’s teen “assistant” Taylor Houle first brought Liqs to my attention after she saw them play a show at Bric a Brac Records, and she had also seen them opening for Twin Peaks at the Metro back in January 2015 before Twin Peaks went on their perma-tour of 2015. When I finally got to see Liqs at the Logan Square DIY venue Dandelion this past May, I could see why she was so excited about them. In Dandelion’s basement, they were an entertaining explosion of experimental-noise-meets-pop sound that drew heavily from their influences like Nirvana, Pavement, and Sonic Youth, while echoing newer indie rock musicians like Mac Demarco and Deerhunter. They’re not just another thrashy garage noise band, although Nick does have a tendency to throw his guitar around and crash into stuff, which makes shows all the more exciting.

They’re one of my favorite Chicago bands, hailing from the suburbs as most of them tend to do, but they haven’t fully busted out just yet as they work on their debut album. Luckily, their new single “Nothing For Me” (with the B-side “Heartless”) has been released by Nashville’s Jeffery Drag Records, which has also released music (and rolling papers!) by Twin Peaks, among others. The music video for the song perfectly captures their style and approach.

They’re already entrenched in the local Chicago scene, despite not having too many releases to their name yet, which is a positive testament to their DIY mentality as they play lots of local shows with a variety of bands and spend their nights together fiddling with guitars and tapes and keyboards in home recording studios and practice spaces, as Nick entertainingly documents on his Snapchat. They have a close-knit, undeniable camaraderie, no doubt a huge contributor to the fact they want to spend most of their time together making music and hanging out. (If they leave each other to hang out with girls, I imagine the parting scene is like the end of “Superbad.”)

In addition to Liqs opening for Twin Peaks, Nick had a previous high school band with members of Modern Vices, and they’ve been making connections with older and more established Logan Square bands like Flesh Panthers, The Lemons and The Rubs. I actually realized, as I slowly gained consciousness of the rock scene in my own neighborhood, that they had a song, “Terri Boyce,” featured on the Dumpster Tapes “Monster Compilation, Vol. 1,” alongside some of the best of Logan Square’s current garage rock/punk bands, whose release party last winter basically introduced me to the Logan Square scene. It’s a small world after all.

One of my favorite, somewhat more conventional songs they’ve released, “Take Me Home Tonight,” is a catchy adolescent rock anthem that gives you the feeling you’ve heard it before and can sing along. I always think that a lot of the best music, at least my favorite rock songs, take the familiar and build on it, and they seem to excel at that. If any band is poised to make a real splash when their album comes out, it’s Liqs.

Taylor organized a group interview with Nick and Sergio earlier this past summer while she and Megan Landre (whose article on The Boxers you should check out) were in the city from their farm town in northern Illinois. We ended up speaking to them at my studio apartment in Logan Square, which Nick christened The Void. In what is becoming the Houseshow trademark interview style, we just sat down and talked about a bunch of stuff, like the local scene, cats, their musical influences and frozen pizza. I’m a pretty investigative person — I like to know all the details about something, and you generally can’t find a lot of details on local bands, what they’re doing and where they’re coming from. So I get to ask them directly, and then tell the world. Everybody wins.

The boys are funny and smart, highly literate in their direct musical influences, and unabashed nerds for both popular and unpopular music that they synthesize into their own approach. With an earnest devotion to the music, to each other, and a true DIY approach to their creativity, I think Liqs have real potential, and I can’t wait to see where their career takes them.

There’s a famous literary quote that originated in a letter from one of the legendary writers of my Massachusetts hometown, Ralph Waldo Emerson, to poet Walt Whitman, and later from publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti to Allen Ginsberg: “I greet you at the beginning of a great career.” That’s what I say to Liqs now — but it’s gonna be up to them to prove me right.

A Conversation with Nick and Sergio of Liqs

The Void, Logan Squre, Chicago: June 7, 2015

Katie Ingegneri: …a lot of cat hair.

Nick Van Horn: Miles [Kalchik of Modern Vices] would appreciate that, Miles is a weirdo with cats.

Katie: Yeah, Mala [Kalchik, cat] is the best, she’s so sassy. Do you guys ever go over to their communal establishment?

Nick: What, the ass dungeon? Their place? [Ed. Note: It was called “The Acid Dungeon,” which is what Nick actually said, but I cannot bring myself to delete the original transcription.]

Well, I used to play in a band with Pat [Hennessy] and Miles, and that was when they first got that place. I started playing with their band, and then they started this [holding my vinyl copy of Modern Vices], when they were under Baby Baby.

Katie: So are you guys associated with a label?

Nick: Jeffery Drag. We’re not handing over our album til we decide what we want to do. We have a couple options open, but like…

Sergio Stryker: We’re also not finished with the album yet.

Nick: Yeah, so we wanna do our best option. But the singles on Jeffrey Drag are gonna be out really soon. They’re a Nashville label. They’ve done some stuff, like you know, Natural Child, or Twin Peaks obviously, they did a single too.

Katie: So how long have you guys been The Liqs?

Nick: Only like a year.

Katie: You guys aren’t from Elmhurst, right?

Sergio: That’s more north, or west.

Nick: South, it’s south.

Sergio: But yeah, we’re only like 30 minutes away.

Nick: I live on Elmhurst Road, which goes all the way to Elmhurst. I used to practice at their parents’ house back in the day. But we played in bands with them, that’s how we knew all them before. Like we were only coming to Chicago to go to venues, we would play house shows in Elmhurst, so yeah. They were in Star Spangled KGB, I don’t know if you ever heard about that. Elmhurst is cool, like it’s really weird because normally suburbs don’t really have many scenes, it’s always the city. Like we’re not part of any suburb scene at all, we’re just part of the city scene.

Katie: So how did you meet those guys then, like in Elmhurst?

Sergio: Just played drums with them when I was like 15 or 16.

Katie: Yeah, that’s wild how early everyone was starting and now it’s like turning into this whole thing.

Liqs show at Bric a Brac Records, March 25, 2015. Photo by Taylor Houle.

Sergio: Yeah, this is my first interview though.

Taylor Houle: Yeah, me too.

Sergio: Well you guys are doing great.

Taylor: I literally can’t think of any questions, my mind is blank.

Nick: All the interviews we’ve done we were probably like drunk or being goofy. Twin Peaks and Criminal Hygiene used to have this blog where they would interview bands and that’s when Liqs first became a band, because of Twin Peaks and them, so they interviewed us when we were outside of Bric a Brac after a show. And then we’ve had radio interviews and stuff, but we’ve never had a journalist interview us. People have written about us but never in interviews, except for some email shit, asking us questions through email.

Katie: So what was the blog called that they had?

Sergio: Band to the Bone, but we never actually made it on there, like they told us they’d put it on there and they didn’t.

Nick: They don’t do anything with it anymore though.

Sergio: We’re calling you out!

Katie: These guys [Taylor and Megan] went to that show you played at the Metro with Twin Peaks in January but I didn’t know who anyone was at that point so I was not there. I only knew who The Orwells were at that point, and like The Symposium, and then they told me about Modern Vices and it all kinda snowballed. I’m from Boston so I don’t know like…

Sergio: Where in Boston?

Katie: I’m from Concord.

Sergio: Yeah, I don’t know where that is.

Katie: It’s where the Revolutionary War started.

Sergio: Oh, okay. My sister got her degree after her 4-year degree there.

Katie: Oh yeah I think we talked about this, at the Dandelion maybe.

Sergio: Yeah probably, that’s the only thing I know about Boston.

Katie: Where did she go?

Sergio: I don’t remember right now.

Katie: Yeah, there’s a lot of schools there. But yeah, I was just watching some videos of you guys on YouTube last night but the quality was awful. The music was good, but like you couldn’t see anything.

Nick: We don’t really have any updates really of what’s actually going on with us on the internet. Like, our Bandcamp recordings are 3 or 4 years old, and all the videos are of our old sound, even like from Metro we changed a lot. But I’ve been posting those demos, just because I decided randomly to do that, I don’t know why.

Katie: Yeah, I liked that recent one, the sad…

Nick: Oh, “Sadface”?

Katie: Yeah, that was cool. It reminded me a lot of like Mac Demarco.

Sergio: Yeah, we like Mac Demarco a lot. That whole Captured Tracks thing, I like that.

Nick: Yeah, we really enjoy Captured Tracks and that whole thing, there’s a lot of good bands on there.

Katie: I don’t know if I’m familiar with that.

Nick: It’s like Beach Fossils, Real Estate, Mac Demarco.

Sergio: I don’t think Real Estate’s on there.

Nick: Real Estate’s on Captured Tracks.

Katie: So that’s the label then?

Sergio: Yeah.

Katie: Oh, okay. My best friend used to date a guy in Real Estate.

Sergio: I like that band a lot.

Katie: When they were together we went to see them with Deerhunter when they were all touring together.

Nick: Ah, that’s sweet.

Katie: Yeah, you guys were kinda reminding me of Deerhunter.

Nick: Really? That’s interesting.

Katie: Like Nirvana meets Deerhunter? Do you agree with that?

Taylor: Yeah, that’s definitely spot on.

Katie: So what are some of your influences?

Nick: My Bloody Valentine.

Sergio: Beatles, they’re cool. Heard of em?

Katie: Yeah, I don’t know, they’re kind of obscure. But yeah, My Bloody Valentine, nice.

Nick: Slowdive, Elliott Smith — I like him a lot.

Sergio: Yeah, I pretty much only listen to Pavement.

Nick: Pavement’s cool too.

Sergio: I like The Cure. But yeah, I don’t really listen to a lot of music.

Nick: Craft Spells, they’re cool.

Sergio: Chicago is cool. There’s a lot of bands in Chicago that I like.

Katie: Like local ones?

Nick: Flesh Panthers.

Sergio: Yeah, Flesh Panthers are sweet. This band called Sister Crystals, I don’t know if they’re around anymore, but they were around like a year ago and they were cool. Twin Peaks, they’re cool.

Katie: So what’s your next show?

Nick: Well, we were supposed to play some DIY thing with YAWN and Strange Faces and some others, but the guy backed out so we’re trying to find another venue. He was nervous there was gonna be a bunch of underage kids and shit. That happens a lot, I think that’s the problem. We would do it at the Aux, which is a 21+ venue, but we don’t like doing that. We like the all-ages shows.

Taylor: Yeah, definitely play some all-ages shows.

Katie: And you guys play Bric a Brac, right?

A Liqs show sans Esteban (feat. keyboard percussion) at Bric a Brac Records, August 28, 2015. Photo by Katie.

Nick: Yeah, we prefer stuff like that, where kids can drink there and hang out and not be bothered.

Taylor: I went to one of your shows at Bric a Brac a while back with my mom, I think she liked it.

Katie: Mom rock. Didn’t you play Bric a Brac like last weekend?

Nick: Yeah.

Katie: I wanted to go to that but my friend was here. But the show at Dandelion, I really liked that, it was really good.

Nick: That’s like our more updated stuff.

Sergio: Yeah, everyone left and there was this one dude who just stopped by because he was a neighbor, and he didn’t know anybody but started a fight with this random guy and was just being like really racist.

Nick: At like 5 in the morning, like everybody’s gone and there were just like a couple people, it was so random. Yeah that was funny.

Liqs kind of started under my name originally. It was just like all the Eye to Eye EP, mostly just solo stuff I recorded, so we were just playing under my name, I don’t know why we did that. I guess it’s just because I recorded the instruments and I wasn’t taking it that seriously, so y’know, fuck it…Have you met Michael or any of the Flesh Panthers?

Katie: Yeah, I’ve met Michael. I was just listening to their new album, it’s really good.

Sergio: I haven’t heard that.

Katie: You should check it out, it’s on Spotify.

Nick: Yeah, [Flesh Panthers lead singer] Ryan’s a punk rocker. He was hanging out at [DIY venue] Wally’s World before a show, but it was like way before his set and he was hammered as fuck and slammed his head into the bricks that were holding the bass drum, so he was bleeding and he was just playing the set while he was bleeding. That guy’s crazy. We toured with them for like a week, or like 4 days. That’s when we first met them. Really really good guys.

Katie: That’s awesome. Yeah, I want to organize like a “Houseshow Presents,” you know, a house show.

Nick: Oh yeah? If you do we’ll definitely play it.

Liqs at Club Soda, Logan Square, New Year’s Eve 2015. Photo by Katie.

Katie: So are you guys going to move more into the city, do you think?

Sergio: Yeah I think we’re okay, I like where I’m living. We work in the city.

Nick: Yeah, me and him work in the city, and we’re getting our practice space Monday or Tuesday in the city, so we live so close we don’t really care. It’s really nice because we’re free of rent and we get to eat our parents’ food. I really like frozen pizza.

Katie: So do you just take the blue line down or do you drive?

Sergio: We mostly drive.

Nick: Like I said, it’s not too far. But with traffic it takes a long time. That’s why we’re always late to stuff, like shows we’re always late to.

Sergio: Yeah, sorry about that.

Katie: Oh no it’s okay we were just hangin. These guys got into Union Station like early so…

Nick: Now you’re making us feel bad.

Katie: No, it’s all good. So were you guys gonna check out Hellstonfest at all?

Taylor: One sec, I’ll pull it up.

Sergio: What’s this Club Soda place? I’ve been hearing a lot about it lately.

Katie: It’s pretty new, it’s just these guys’ house in El Greco Explosive.

Sergio: Is it near here?

Katie: It’s farther east but it’s still in Logan, like a little more northeast of here so it’s a little awkward to get to but it’s like Elston. But it’s a good space, I was there when they had The Rubs play like a month or so ago.

Nick: The Rubs are sweet.

Sergio: Yeah we just saw them last weekend.

Katie: Yeah they’re great, I just saw them on Thursday at the Abbey Pub at that Paul Cherry fest.

Nick: Oh was that cool?

Katie: Yeah, it was good, I didn’t see the whole thing, but I saw The Rubs, and Spike and the Sweet Spots, and they were cool. They played good covers of like “Where Did You Sleep Last Night” and stuff, it was kinda cool retro stuff and I think one of those guys is in The Yolks.

Sergio: Kenny probably. Kenny’s in every band. [Ed. note: Kenny Alden, aka the legendary “Luke Tokyo Drifter,” who I did not know at this point. Kenny is in Spike but not The Yolks. I was talking about Spencer Johnson, who is also in The Yolks. Kenny is in every other band though.]

Katie: Do you guys ever play at Emporium? Or do they not let you because you’re not 21?

Nick: Kelly [Nothing of The Lemons] was kinda starting to manage us when we were first becoming a band, and she’s just pretty much our booking agent I guess you could say. She was booking us shows and she was gonna book us shows there, but I think we couldn’t play there because we had work or some shit. But we could have played there a few times.

Katie: It’s a pretty good spot for bands, but I don’t know if they have a thing about being 21 or something.

Nick: No, usually venues don’t, Empty Bottle was cool.

Katie: Who did you play with there?

Nick: We played there a couple different times. I don’t remember that night at all.

Katie: Yeah, the Bottle is great.

Nick: That’s where I think our practice space is gonna be. It’s like right across the street.

Katie: Oh, cool. Good location. Where does Esteban live?

Sergio: He’s just down the street from me.

Nick: Yeah, we all live really close to each other.

Sergio: So, we had a band — we were talking about that older band, Star Spangled KGB — they were like our high school band. But yeah, I met [Nick and Esteban] because they skated. They started that as a two-piece, then I just kind of came on because I knew how to play guitar. That’s how that happened.

Katie: Oh, so that’s how you met them?

Sergio: Yeah, I don’t skate though.

Nick: Yeah, he was like “I can play guitar,” but we told him “no, you’re gonna play bass.” But he plays bass like he plays guitar.

Sergio: I don’t even know how to play bass.

Katie: So just kind of winging it? Well, that works. Kind of like what Kim Gordon was doing, and she’s awesome.

Nick: Yeah we love her, we’re big Sonic Youth fans. We just really like the 90s. Noise rock is what we’re most about. Shoegaze or whatever you call it.

Sergio: Pavement, they’re my favorite.

Katie: I hear the grunge a lot with you guys. Or maybe it’s more like the look, I don’t know. You’ve got like the sweater, and the long hair, ripped jeans. Classic Kurt Cobain, y’know.

Sergio: No, he’s a big Nirvana fan, I’m not really. I like Pavement. Do you listen to Pavement? If you like the 90s you’d like Pavement.

Katie: Yeah, I need to listen to them. I’m slacking, there’s just so much music, you know? It’s hard to keep up and remember that there’s all these classic bands I need to listen to.

Sergio: Yeah, I mean like Chicago too, Pavement doesn’t have a place, and I feel like everyone in Chicago just listens to The Velvet Underground, but that’s cool too.

Katie: Haha, yeah, that’s what I always used to listen to, like in high school. They’re so good. So do you think you guys are gonna stay in Chicago, or move out to New York or some place else?

Sergio: Well, yeah, I mean we know Chicago.

Nick: We like New York a lot, but not to like live there.

Sergio: Eventually, you asked earlier, we would like to do that but we’re working towards it. We don’t have a lot of money.

Katie: Yeah, it’s tough. New York is only like a million times more expensive, and Chicago is expensive enough. But I feel like it’s already turning into a big scene, maybe the rest of the country will catch on.

Sergio: Oh yeah, there’s so many bands people need to be seeing.

Katie: Yeah, maybe that’s what I’m trying to go for. Except the only people that read this are from Chicago. But raising the awareness is always good. Twin Peaks are bringing everyone up on tour, kind of giving people a taste of our scene. I’m sure a lot of people have caught on to the Vices now. So have you guys always been musicians?

Nick: Kind of, yeah I guess.

Sergio: I’ve always listened to the same music. I started playing Bob Dylan covers when I was like 6.

Katie: Are your parents musical?

Nick & Sergio: No.

Sergio: My brothers and my sister, they would show me a lot of music. My brother was in bands, he still is. And he showed me a lot of stuff. And then my sister showed me a lot of 90s stuff. That’s when they were growing up, they’re way older than me. So that helped out.

Nick: My mom’s a painter, she makes art. And that’s kind of the way I’ve always looked at music, just more creative. I never had an interest in getting good at an instrument, just songwriting you know. That’s more of the way I look at it.

Katie: So who writes the songs? Do you all write together?

Nick: I just bring in a riff and then we just kind of work on it as a band. It changes a lot when we do a demo, because his bass line will make more of the song. But then sometimes we’ll just be in my room, smoking one hitters and then write something really quick. Like the other night, just jamming. That’s how we did “Sadface,” we were just jamming. He was on the keys and I was playing guitar, and we just worked it really quick. So it depends. And then maybe he’ll write something, it just all depends.

Katie: Yeah, I really like that song! I keep listening to it.

Nick: Thank you! “Summertime,” you’ll hear it on the newest album. There’s this band called Surf Curse, I think you would probably really like them. They’re another one of our big influences.

Sergio: The Babies.

Nick: Yeah, The Babies. I love The Babies. “Our House on the Hill,” or whatever. That’s a great album.

Katie: There’s so many influences, out there, just floating around. With the Internet you can literally just listen to everything, all the time. But then I get impatient with all these local bands because I want to listen to all their songs online.

Nick: Well, the singles should be out on Spotify. We don’t really care about making money off that kind of stuff. We just wanna tour. That’s all we really care about. But the singles should be up soon, maybe a month or so. And then the album will be done in like a month.

Katie: That’s exciting.

Sergio: It’s self-recorded.

Nick: It’s been taking forever. We’ve been saying we’re gonna release the album for so long.

Sergio: Yeah, we kinda scrapped a bunch of stuff too.

Nick: Yeah, we change our sound a lot, cause we were really garage rock and then got really into that, changing our sound.

Katie: So what do you consider yourselves?

Sergio: Rock n roll.

Nick: Yeah, just rock n roll. We don’t really like putting a label on things because then it kind of fucks everything up if you have a certain restriction in your head. If you’re like “oh, I’m trying to be more grungy” or more garage rock, that kind of sets limitations in your head, and then the music’s not as good. So if you just don’t really think about what you’re gonna be, then you can take every influence like Surf Curse, or Nirvana, or The Strokes, and it will come out like that. It comes out like that in your head, but then it comes out in your own signature sound, you know what I’m saying? Because every song we write, it’s always a different sound, like “oh, this sounds like Mac Demarco” or “this sounds like Beach Fossils,” and we don’t sound like Mac or Beach Fossils, but in our heads that’s what we were trying to be like. So every song we’re just trying to rip off some artist. Haha, but you really don’t know!

Sergio: Yeah, hopefully you won’t figure it out either.

Nick: Yeah, we’re ripping somebody off, in like Japan or something.

Katie: But then it all comes together, and then it’s like, this is The Liqs. Is it just Liqs now? I keep saying The Liqs.

Nick: Yeah, just Liqs. I don’t know why, but we’re trying to go by Liqs. We just don’t like the “The” right now.

Sergio: We made the transition. In another 5 months we’ll make another change.

Nick: Yeah, it’ll be spelled Lick. So when you write this article it has to be Liqs or else you’re gonna be sued. We’re planning a music video for our single, and it’s just a bunch of random footage we took of some weird stuff, but after our Bric a Brac show we went to this DIY show, I don’t know what that place was called…

Sergio: It’s right around here though, it’s on Milwaukee. It was Situations, I think.

Nick: Yeah, but we were filming a music video in this super weird space, like everything is designed super weird and we were filming this random clip, and this guy said he was gonna sue us because we were filming his face or something and he was freaking out. He was like “Listen man, I’m gonna sue you.”

Sergio: He was smoking a bong.

Nick: And he was wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt.

Sergio: Nothing wrong with that though.

Katie: Well that’ll be cool to have a music video out.

Nick: Yeah, it’s turning out really cool. It’s our friend Jordan Thomas, he’s a weirdo. He makes some really weird stuff. But that’s what we’re all about, just trying to be as weird as possible. I mean that’s not what we’re all about but you know. We just don’t really have any limitations with that shit.

Katie: Yeah. And that’s a good way to be.

Nick: We like to make people feel uncomfortable and that seems like the way to do it.

Katie: You usually smash your guitar and stuff, right?

Taylor: Yeah, at the Metro I was like, “shit!” I have a picture of you smashing it against your head.

Nick: Really? You should post that. I haven’t seen that.

Katie: I feel like you did that at Dandelion a bit, maybe.

Nick: Dandelion? Oh, I was just goofin’ around.

Sergio: It’s starting to get old, Nick. You gotta find something new.

Katie: Yeah, The Who did that like, forty years ago, man. But yeah, that also makes me think of Nirvana.

Nick: Well, I mean people have been doing it for years. Even Jimi Hendrix was doing it. I really like his stuff. The Who would do it, and they were very angry. So, it’s more like an expression.

Katie: What do you do, I mean there’s only so many guitars you have I’m sure…

Nick: No, no. I keep fixing things.

Sergio: Yeah, pretty much every paycheck he gets he just buys a new guitar.

Taylor: How many do you have?

Nick: A lot, but some of them are in pieces, and some of them, I don’t know. They’re just in different cycles. Some of them are working, some of them aren’t.

Katie: Oh Leo…[my cat stepping on everything]

Nick: Look at him, stepping all over the Modern Vices album, probably thinking “fuck Miles.” Was Miles in this seat?

Katie: Oh, no. They actually haven’t been here. We did that at their house. It was like St. Patrick’s Day.

Nick: Oh, so they were all hammered?

Katie: Yeah, they started drinking really early, and I got over there and it was all the guys, except Peter, who was upstairs sleeping. I think he got too drunk and had to go back to bed. Some of their friends were there and it was a lot to record, trying to talk to ten drunk people in one living room at eleven in the morning. Yeah, I’m still figuring all this shit out. Is there anything else you guys would like to say? Your message to the world?

Nick: Stay in college, go to school.

Katie: Are you guys in school?

Sergio: I am, community college.

Katie: Which one?

Sergio: Harper.

Katie: I know a lot of the Elmhurst kids go to DuPage, that’s the only one I know.

Nick: Do you mean DePaul?

Sergio: No, DuPage. Everyone goes there.

Nick: Oh yeah, UIC too.

Sergio: That’s not community college, c’mon.

Nick: College is college.

Sergio: Yeah, so just look out for a new album soon…

Nick: A new music video.

Sergio: We’re gonna be playing shows. You know, hopefully hit some other cities this summer. It’s pretty early in the summer, we gotta plan some stuff out.

Nick: We’ll be around.

Keep your eyes on these kids — they’re going somewhere. The young Chicago rock revolution continues to build. And download their new single “Nothing For Me”/ “Heartless” today. The dream of the 90s is alive in Chicago.

Special thanks to Chicago rock photographer John Mourlas for his wonderful shots of Liqs at The Empty Bottle. Check out more of his work at his website John Mourlas Photography.

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Katie Ingegneri
houseshow magazine

Writer, editor, music fan & curator. MFA — Naropa’s Jack Kerouac School. BA — McGill University, Montreal. Founder of Houseshow Magazine.