Housing innovations

Jacob Willson
housing innovations
1 min readJan 28, 2019

Travelling North America and Europe in search of the latest innovations in housing

In February 2018 I was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travel scholarship to research housing innovation in North America and Europe. The focus of this amazing opportunity is to research the delivery of new homes through public sector, private enterprise or community innovation.

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust has run a programme of oversees research grants for many years. I know several friends and colleagues who have been awarded a grant and have been amazed and inspired by what they did.

I will be visiting cities in North America and Europe including New York, Vancouver, Portland, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Vienna and Zurich. Many of these cities share common housing issues with London such as a housing shortage or lack of affordability. I will be visiting these cities to see what is being done to tackle these issues.

I will be using this Medium publication to document the research and am happy to discuss any of the projects or my research further with you.



Jacob Willson
housing innovations

Designer and urban planner working in London. WCMT Associate, researching creative design and planning of housing