How Amazon puts a pressure on independent journalism in Poland

A general trend of discrediting critical journalistic work by political elites and corporate power structures can be observed. This trend should be regarded as one of the major threats and challenges to media freedom in democratic countries.

Jeff Bezos, the definite leader of the IT branch, in the interview he gave at the Economic Club of Washington, stressed the importance of free media. As an example of his devotion to media freedom standards, he mentioned the investment and restructuring of the Washington Post. It seems however, that the interest in media freedom does not go beyond United States’ boarders. His company proves to have a totally distinct media policy.

Recently, in Poland we witnessed how Amazon was attempting to pressurise on several Polish journalists, to withdraw from scrutinizing labour conditions in the company’s logistical centres. One of the targeted journalists was Ms. Adrianna Rozwadowska, who works for Gazeta Wyborcza, the main Polish dailies. Ms. Rozwadowska specializes in labour rights and employment conditions. She has authored a number of articles relating to employment conditions in the Amazon logistic centre located in Sady Poznańskie.

Her articles were based on a number of interviews conducted among Amazon employees, particularly relating to high objectives set to them. She also refers to a number of other sources, such as opinions of labour experts, health care providers, as well as the official statements of Amazon.

In relation to those articles Amazon has never used any legal measures against the journalist, editors or the newspaper itself (such as e.g. rectification based on Polish Press law). However, the management of Amazon Poland was calling the publisher and editors for meetings (in August and in September), which later were postponed or cancelled by Amazon, and it is sending letters, accusing the journalist of lack of professionalism. In a letter dated from 29 August 2018, Amazon is calling the newspaper to cease further criticism of the company and is threatening Gazeta Wyborcza with legal proceedings. What is symptomatic, on the specific request of Amazon, the journalist was not invited to the meetings and she could not respond to allegations addressed towards her. Ms. Rozwadowska, in her work, profited of the right to freedom of expression and journalistic criticism.

Creating such an environment around the newspaper and the journalist is a manner of exerting non-judicial pressure by a large international company. This in turn may cause a chilling effect on the journalistic activity of Ms. Rozwadowska and other Polish journalists willing to address the question of employment conditions in Amazon Poland.

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights decided to send a letter to Mr Jeff Bezos hoping that he is willing to clarify the “pressure” exerted on the journalists and the newspapers in Poland.



Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR)
How Amazon puts a pressure on independent journalism in Poland

NGO based in Warsaw, Poland. Our mission is to promote the development of a culture based on the respect of freedom & human rights in Poland and abroad.